Studying a way to success ll/ How to study effectively

in Hive Learners8 months ago


Good day guys, this topic is one I want to give my all but couldn't do it in my first article on this in other to reduce the length of words per article, I want it not to exceed 600 words, tell me what you think about this ?. My aim in this article remains the same as the last article, Here Studying a way to success. I hope you enjoy this one more than the last and follow me for more. Before following me for more and start studying the new or old way stated in this article to understand this steps lets first view the challenges of studying.


Challenges associated with studying

  • Setting out a time to study : The first challenge faced is creating time to study, a lot of people even myself back then, feel like we are busy all the time, which apparently isn't the truth.

  • Creating a study timetable: The second challenge involves knowing what to study and what time to study, and most importantly which intelligence you want to improve.

  • Studying: The last challenge faced in the circle on studying is actually taking actions instead of wishing.

How to stud effectively

To study effectively is to counter the challenges faced, the headings therefore will be the same;

  • Setting out time to study: As an individual you have approximately 16 hours to be active if you have rested 8 hours at night, 2 hours can be set aside to study something new in any area you choose, if you find it hard to make out 2 hours, I encourage you to put everything on hold if possible or only those you can and try studying time management books or watch videos.

  • Creating a study timetable: My personal take is to study based on your 4 intelligence which are; Mental intelligence, Physical intelligence, Emotional intelligence, Spiritual intelligence. For starters share them each four days and spend 2 hours for each on their choosen day, the steps taking to grow each intelligence is yours to research or you can request from me an article on that ☺️.

  • Taking action [studying] : All I can say in this section is do it regardless of how hard it seems, take records of how you are now and after a month take another and compare, if no improvement feel free to start down voting my articles.


I will love to hear your feedbacks on this, especially a comprehensive one which talks about the topic and entirety of the article, below are my recent posts and my programs on hive: