The Human Intelligence [The secret to Growth]

in Hive Learners5 months ago



Good day friends, it feels good to write about another fascinating topic most people knew about but not in a collective order, although some might know this very well that's just life. This article is aimed at throwing insight on how to rate yourself with the self you want to be, and is a fundamental block (stepping stone) to self improvement and a key to growth in the world and be very efficient in this 21st century and beyond.


Intelligence is simply the ability to learn, understand and be able to meditate on anything no matter what the aspect is, intelligence is a core human factor as it is what scientist usually use to differentiate us from other creature on the earth, we posses a higher degree of intelligence than most creatures on the planet which made us to dominate it more, which to me is a marvelous gift of GOD to man. The human intelligence is the reason for the vast growth in society, the reason why we switched from one tool to another and hence improve our quality of life, intelligence is the ability to understand a problem and meditate on various alternatives to counter that problem, intelligence is the factor of every living creature and it ensures its survival in the long run.

Types of intelligence

In my research and study which has lead to this opinion of mine which is surely biased and might become obsolete someday but nevertheless I'm still sharing because right now it's well proven to be true, they are;

  • Spritual intelligence
  • Mental intelligence
  • Emotional intelligent
  • Physical intelligence.


Spiritual intelligence

This happens to be the core of the human intelligence, many people might agrree & some otherwise but still I do believe it does, spiritual intelligence is all about transcending and linking to a higher power than ourselves, it involves submission and critical areas of reducing human suffering and elevating the mind. Spiritual intelligence is all about in my own words knowing GOD and understanding the workings of the universe as one that opens your mind to a list of new ideas and perspective which enhances the other intelligence which we possess, to me this is the framework builder and the next being mental intelligence is the navigator.

Mental intelligence

As I said earlier, it is the navigator of the perspective you have developed from your spiritual intelligence, it is closely related to Spiritual intelligence than Physical intelligence but not emotional intelligence and it is measured as IQ [ INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT], it is our apititude for problem solving using past information [History] or developing heuristics as well as any other problem solving techniques there is. Mental intelligence is highly associated with problem solving and it is essential for survival after spiritual intelligence.

Emotional intelligence

To make survival and death worth it, we need our emotional intelligence which is a lot more closer to our spiritual intelligence, to me it's a rewarder and punisher based on the situation you're in, it's basically the fueling of value, it is the ability to appreciate the sensations in your body, it is a lot more soft than mental intelligence and a core item to love or hate life, it's a beauty I'm still studying to grasp its fullness.


Physical intelligence

This is my favorite as it involves actual movement which is the evidence of the other intelligence being at work although its a little bit simpler than that because its all about how well you can coordinate your body abd movement to be in a better stance to achieve your goals, it involves every form of physical training to enhance; mobility, strength, flexibility etc.


It's nice reading about this, isn't it ?, But it won't matter if you don't get to work to perform a mire detailed research to help you improve each and everyone of them although most of my articles are about these, so just keep on following me up.
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