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RE: There Are Ways To Fix This Heat!!!

in Hive Learnerslast year

I am of the opinion most of this heat is not as a result of burnings, climate change itself is a normal and expected phenomenon. Let's not do as if we don't know. There are bigger factors governing these things beyond our generators and cars. That theory may need some revisiting in the nearest future tho.
But yes, we can only do what we can within our scope of knowledge and what we are influenced by. A guided action may never be achievable. All you suggested are too ideal to come to pass. Generators will keep being used, so will cars. Will batteries offer better?. Oh no, pollution too

All of it is as if there is nothing we can do able it. This is why we advice survival and preparations for things like this. Knowing the powers that be a greater than our.

Don't mind how I sound, but on the long run, I hope more people see it this way and do the needful they can to make things better for the common men with their power.

 last year  

You have a point though...
I'm not saying that cars and generators will totally be taken out, I'm only saying that the rate at which people use them will reduce. You have to admit that if there's a more reliable power in the country, then the number of active generator users will be slashed than more than 90%. That alone will be a major win.

There are other factors, of course. But I was only touching on the things we would be able to do in our own capacity if the government were willing to put the right things in place.

Thank you.

 last year  

Yes. I do agree with you, but what I don't see is how we all believe that has something to do with the heat.

Heat waves have happened in the past, bush burns, severe cold temperatures and many of that, we can't bring it all down to ozone depletion. It doesn't add up for me. These are just climatic phenomena happening beyond our effect and control. Survival and risk control are what we should work on. Flood will still happen, hurricanes.. They are natural caused as we call them. Why then do we thing all the cars and generator are bad for the weather. If only more could be known..
Great piece.