Be kind but expect nothing in return.

in Hive Learners2 months ago
The generality of humanity is kind and selfless, often desiring the good of others, sometimes more than that of our very own. We are likely to find ourselves pouring out acts of kindness even randomly unless and until maybe lessons from others have taught us otherwise.

I have always considered myself to be easygoing and minding my business. My personality definitely was one to please a majority but definitely not all people.

My unpleasant encounter was one with a consultant in my profession whom I enjoyed relating with. There was always a distance between senior and junior doctors, but the setting of my training permitted us to relate on fairly friendly ground. On several occasions, I was called upon by the index consultant to carry out tasks that were not within my jurisdiction; however, because of my nature and her friendliness, I obliged her excesses. My first observation was a gossip I heard she said about me. I had gone for a professional examination along with my colleagues and thankfully passed, while a colleague in her unit failed the examination. I heard she was displeased when her favorite candidate didn't pass his exam while I did.

I didn't see a big deal in what I heard, nor did I confront her since she was my senior medical colleague. However, her attitude towards me changed significantly, making me stay extra hours in the hospital or ordering me to do tasks my junior doctors should do. I maintained my calm even though I was already getting frustrated. About four months after I had passed my professional examination, I made a PowerPoint presentation in the department, and she rubbished my work. The painful part was that she said all sorts of things even in the presence of junior colleagues. It was a Friday, one I can't forget in a haste. In fact, I went to Facebook and removed her from my friends list. As though God heard my heart cry, I got my index job the weekend following that departmental presentation, and by morning, I got my resignation letter ready.


The crux of the whole matter was that the lady consultant openly stated that she didn't like me, yet again in the presence of junior colleagues but thankfully with other medical consultants around. It was at that moment I marveled at how two other lady consultants defended me and rebuked her instantly. That scenario remains very fresh in my memory, seeing two older colleagues come to my defense when I didn't deserve it. For those that have medical field experience, especially in Nigeria, the medical seniors were like gods and goddesses to be worshipped from afar.

It's been almost four years since that incident, and I am still very much in communication with those two consultants that defended me, while I have not had any encounters with the lady consultant that went out harsh against me. Guess we've not had reasons to cross paths, and I prefer to stay distant from toxic people.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.

 last month  

My dream in life has always been to do the right thing but even in doing the right thing, you can't please everyone so it's always safer to do that which you know is right and leave the pleasing job for whoever cares... Humans are really insatiable and people will prefer you displease yourself so far you're pleasing them. Does that really make us good people? I don't think so.

In this field of ours, what goes around definitely comes around, I believe

 last month (edited) 

Funny, I met a patient who said he would not want to see me even if I was the last doctor. I was shocked because I didn't even know the patient, nor could I remember whatever I did to him in the past. We really can't please everyone

 last month  

That's just it in this our line of work

 last month  

Some people are just desperately evil, why will you hate your fellow man so much because he's successful.
Thank God you had some people in your defense it would have being worse.
It's better to just stay away from toxic people like that.

 last month  

You're very correct. Toxic people don't need reasons to hate

 2 months ago  

Sometimes, we don't have to offend people to be contrary to us