Hello there, Bruno.
The sad thing about talents in this country is that they can't put food on the table. Now, imagine a Nigerian who is blessed with creative skills (drawing). He started drawing right when he was young, he graduated from high school and discovered the outside world isn't ready for what he had. So instead of using his talent, he decides to venture into another thing (health line). Do you think he did bad by dropping his talent to become a medical doctor?
Unfortunately, our government has taught us time and again that if you rely on them on anything you are doing so at the risk of your future.
Regardless of your talent and what you choose as a profession, you don't have to abandon it.
You can be an artist and also a doctor. Just as someone can be an engineer and also be a romance writer as well.
You just have to be willing to go the extra mile. Don't let one thing rob you of the other. And then, as life goes on and you are able to make it and settle fully into one, you'll decide where you want to go from there.
Thank you for reading.