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RE: Sweat, Tears, And Triumph

in Hive Learners4 days ago

Hey there, Hopey. About my seniors, maybe there intention was not to scare us, but they did. They scared us to the bones. On the brighter side, their words motivated me. So, I guess it all counts, Hehe.

I'm glad you've changed, friendy. More importantly, I'm glad my energy is rubbing off on you. It wasn't even funny when I fell sick. Thank God I was able to push through till the end.

Thanks for stopping by, love and for your kind words.❤️

 4 days ago  

Yeah, I think I understood what happened there, lol.

I’m glad too. Thank you, love. And thank God for giving you the strength to come out strong. 🥰

It’s always a pleasure stopping by to read what’s on your mind about every topic. 🤭

 4 days ago  

Hehe. So nice.❤️