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RE: My Most Expensive Perfumes Yet: How My Friend Influenced My Perfume Journey

in Hive Learners11 months ago

See this Odogwu. That's nice.
You're doing well. I'm not also a fan of perfume.

No mind me oo... na because say I no get money buy better perfume.

BTW, have you tried observing how long they last on you when you spray them?


BTW, have you tried observing how long they last on you when you spray them?

True, when I saw this text, what I did immediately was to perceive my hand to see if I can still get the scent of the perfume and yes I did. That was over 7 hours ago since I last sprayed them on my hand.

Yeah I was not a much fan at first, but now I think I am a big fan at the moment.

Wow! That's great
It's worth it then