2023 Goals Report

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Even when we try as much as possible to set achievable goals, life itself is unpredictable and comes with surprises along the way. That's why it's really good to set many goals (not too many though), because some are meant to be achieved while others are used as tasks for rollover to the next year. I'm not saying that all goals set at the beginning of the year are not achievable; of course they are, but life always ends up being life.

Early this year, I penned down some goals I planned to smash before the end of this year, and yes, some have been smarshed while others are currently being pursued, and some are off the coast.

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In the real world...
I didn't really put up a lot of pressuring goals in order not to lose control of pursuing them because I really have a lot on my hands.
I've heard a lot of unplanned circumstances in the past few months of this year, and one of them was relocating to a new place, both residential and office, and this cost me a lot. After everything, I felt good and fulfilled, even though it wasn't something I had planned from the beginning.

One of the few goals I think I'm yet to achieve here is my strive for social relationships with people in the real world. My relationship with people has been on the decline; infact it drastically reduced after I opened my door to some guys in my street as friends, and they've been on the run till today as my debtors.
Nevertheless, I'm putting up a good streak in maintenaning friendship online.

Hive Goals...
I was so precise at the beginning of this year to achieve the following goals:

  • 1,000HP

At the beginning of the year, I was at 225HP and planned to hit 1,000HP before the year ran out. Well, my account should have been around 1,400HP bh now if I hadn't powered down when I was critically in need of money.
But all the same, I'm still on track, and it's just 23HP to hit 1,000 HP, which is achievable before this month runs out. So bad, I haven't been active in Power Ups.

  • Reputation 68

I was at reputation 59 at the beginning of this year and planned to move up to 68 before the end of the year. I'm currently at 66 Rep, and I know how difficult it is to get to 68. I'm sure to get to 67 before the end of the year, but 68? I'll leave it for God to decide.

  • Followers

Yes, I wanted to hit 200 followers, but this is not visible to me anymore because I've been poor with engagement. Although I stepped up my game this year with engagement, which earned me up to 70 followers, but I've been down recently, and it's getting hard to resurrect. Although I don't like users adding anyhow, I love it to be mutual, and with that, I don't appear desperate to gain followers.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 78, Edition 01 of the Weekly Featured Contest in Hive Learners Community.

 2 years ago  

You are doing well friend and quite a while, hope you have been doing good?

 2 years ago  

Thank you ma'am.
It's really been a long while ooo!
I'm very good.
I haven't just been on game with engagement that's why I didn't cut up with you.

I know you're fine too cos I'm fine😅

 2 years ago  

Ohhh ok
I'm good thank you

 2 years ago  

Just asking myself after reading why I never set any hive goals 🤔. This is a wakeup call

 2 years ago  

You can get it started now. Yes, just now 😅.

Thank you for reading