Hello everyone
How are you i hope you are all well Today i am participate in @creative-sunday which is the part of @hivelearner i made a clay art . I made starfish with clay i hope you are like my post and love alot i made starfish with the help of some material the finall look of this clay art is very beautiful i show here
Final Look
I take some material for made this post the material is here
I take some color of clay the color is orange, white and blue
Black marker
The material look is here
I take a color of clay the color of clay is orange i take some amount of this clay and i mold it into the ball shape and i bent this shape i look is here
Then i take again some amount of this clay and i made the one more part of Starfish starfish have five parts around his body now i made a part the look is here
I take again some amount of this clay and i do same process and i made two more parts of starfish i show here
I take some more amount of this clay and by applying same process i complete the first look of startfish the first look of starfish i show here
And i take a little amount of white clay and i made two mini ball shape actually this ball shapes is the eyes of starfish i take this shape and i replace on the eyes place the look is here
I don't have black clay then i thought what i do now so an idea is came in my mind and i take black marker and i draw this remaining eye look and i also draw the mouth look of starfish i show here
Then i take blue clay and i made more mini ball shapes and i attached on the teke five parts its look is here
I do same process and i complete the look of starfish i hope you are like it and love alot thank you soo much i hope you don't forget to give me feedback and good response
Allah hafiz
Take care
So Nice...it's very beautiful..I like your art work.Good and keep it up.👍
Thank you soo much
beautiful creaation