Weekly Featured Content [W155E02][SOCIAL MEDIA]

in Hive Learners14 hours ago

Hello everyone, how are you doing today? Hope you are having a great time. This will be Week 155, Edition 02 of our Weekly Featured Content.

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So, last Saturday we had our hangout as usual, and it was just so much fun we did not want it to end. We are currently on the second topic for this week which is “SOCIAL MEDIA”.

But before we proceed with the details of the topic, let us take a look at the winners of the last topic which was “WORKPLACE BURNOUT”.

This topic was geared toward each member of the community sharing with us their experiences with workplace burnout and the effect it could have on an individual. This is something that everyone is familiar with, seeing how easy it is to get lost in the work we do and work ourselves to the bone just to make ends meet.

We got to see the different ways that members dealt with this issue, and by being intentional with their work and private moments, they were able to ensure that what they could keep the stress to a minimum, thereby taking care of their mental health. It was an enlightening topic, indeed.

For this topic, we went through every entry post, and that is every post with the #hl-exclusive & #hl-w155e1 tag. And with the number of wonderful posts out there it was quite difficult to make a selection. But eventually, we did just that. And so, the posts that will be featured not just for their exceptional content, but also for their level of engagement with other authors will be listed below.


Featured Contents


by @george-dee

This author told us about how inevitable burnout was when it came to the workplace. After gaining lots of experience when it comes to work, he has learned that taking breaks regularly is one of the surest ways to avoid burnout. He even had some helpful tips that could help so that one’s productivity could be improved greatly.


For this author, he also shared with us his experience with burnout. This had happened back when he was working while also trying to get his degree. Doing both, combined with every other thing he had to do, placed an immense amount of pressure on him and he came really close to burning out after it began to affect his exams. That was when he saw the need to take a step back and just rest.


For this author, he talked about how financial responsibilities and having bills to pay were the main causes for burnouts. People end up doing a work they don’t enjoy simply because they need the money to make ends meet. He also shared his experience with it and how it changed his perspective on work and home life.

All of the above contents were supported by our official curation account lazy-panda with an extra amount. The first 3 authors will receive 100 ECENCY Points [ Sponsored By Ecency Team (@melinda010100) ] and 1 $PANDAMINER each as a reward next Monday. These posts were selected because of their special attention to detail and how they followed the topic. There were a lot of good ones out there, but we just could not pick them all.

But then, we have some honorable mentions which are listed below:

Honorable Mention


NOT A WORKAHOLIC by @kilvnrex

EXHAUSTED??? TAKE A BREAK by @intishar

These are posts that were also found to be quite exceptional as well.



Week 155 - Edition 02 Topic


“What would it be like if social media was added as a course that was studied in our high schools? Where by there would be teachers dedicated to teaching students all they need to know about social media, the dangers it poses and the possible effect it would have on their mental state. Would this be a good idea? What could be the downsides to such a plan?”



  1. Must be a verified member of our community to participate.
  2. You have to use the #hl-exclusive tag in your featured edition participation post. Also, you must use another tag according to the week & edition number. If you are making content for Week 01 Edition 01, you will use #hl-w1e1. If it is Week 02 Edition 03, then you will have to use #hl-w2e3. (Abusing these tags will cause severe punishment)
  3. Must share participation post's link in the #featured-post-promotion channel in our discord server.
  4. Members must interact & engage in each other's participation posts.
  5. Submission Deadline:-
    Edition 01:- Monday-Tuesday (11.59 PM UTC)
    Edition 02:- Wednesday-Thursday (11.59 PM UTC)
    Edition 03:- Friday-Saturday (11.59 PM UTC)
  6. Prize Distribution:- Each Sunday
  7. Topic Description:- The topic description given in the announcement must NOT be included/copy-pasted in the participation post.


All of the above rules are mandatory for participating. A big congrats to the authors whose posts made it to today’s featured edition, and as we have gotten to the next topic, we look forward to reading more posts from you.

If you are wondering what is Weekly Featured Edition? You can get Basic Knowledge about it from This Post. If you are a new member in our community, complete Verification Process from our discord server to get support from us. To know more about our community, please go through our Rules & Guidelines


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Thank You

 13 hours ago  

Congratulations to all the winners and honorable mentions. I am lucky to be one of the honorable mentions.

 9 hours ago  

congratulations to the winners