The True Essence of Marriage: Looking Beyond Surface and Embracing True Love and Tolerance

in Hive Learners2 years ago

The issue of marriage is a very critical point in the lives of two couples promising to love and accept the inadequacy of each other while agreeing to stay together for better or worse. This Union, to me, should be formed on many things beyond physical looks and lust, and I feel that's where many get it wrong. I am not saying one has to marry without those things mentioned above as criteria, but it should not be at the top of the list when looking to settle down. Love is crucial, but tolerance keeps married folks together for a long, according to a research video in which married folks who have been together for ages were asked what makes the bond stronger. All I said above is what I think about marriage if one is to make it last forever until death comes knocking.



As a single person, I have seen lots of marriages crash, and I have seen some marriages prosper. However, the rate of marriage crashes makes one rethink if the real stuff is worth it. They are married couples who fight and insult themselves publicly. They are some whose adultery did not end despite being married. In my country, many marriages are done not on the basis of love but on the bases of the life the person that they are getting married to could give them, thereby making me transactional or one-sided. It is always a marriage of convenience most times and not of Love. It's common to see that most marriages happen between a rich guy and a poor or average lady, which sometimes promotes domestic abuse. The guy starts acting up, and the lady still remains in the relationship because of the resources she has access to today, ignoring her mental and physical health.

There have been some good marriages that make you want to get married. These marriages are always between two best friends who want the good for each other. This marriage is built on the foundation of love and friendship as it goes beyond survival. It is barely taking a genuine likeness in a person and want to be part of that person's growth and life. This marriage makes both partners glow and become prettier and healthier as they age. This relationship gives room for errors and forgiveness as the two parties recognise that they are not perfect as they would offend each other from time to time. Some marriages make both couples look younger even after years of being together as they both have learnt to unconditional love one another while tolerating each other excesses. This is the type of love one long for, but they are hard to find, and only a few people are lucky to have it.

I will say yes if I feel it is worth all the trouble. Despite the negativity surrounding marriage, I will not deny the fact that living or doing life alone makes life boring. Marriage might be scary, but one could hope for a better outcome for himself and herself as one meets someone who would complete you for life. The rate of divorce and negative events surrounding marriage could also make one think twice before committing, but if one gets married right, every other thing will fall into place. So yes, Marriage is worth it.

 2 years ago  

You're right here when you said that despite the negativity about the subject, marriage is sweet and can be enjoyed as long as you're in it with the right person and for the right purpose. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Exactly, so many sad stories around marriage but it remains something everyone longs for regardless.. Just pray and work towards making your marriage a better and sweet one

 2 years ago  

Yes dear, this couldn't have been said better.