in Hive Learners6 days ago


Workplace burnout is undoubtedly a crippling emotional condition during which anything related to work just freaks you out. It often occurs either because of excessive workloads, or repetitive
routine. A person who has burned out loses
interest in their work, the sense of meaning and purpose, and performing even simple tasks gradually becomes excruciating.

Although extremely common, people still tend to pay less attention to burnout than it deserves. They blame themselves for being lazy, for procrastinating, for failing to find enough motivation for work, etc. The truth is, burnout is not something you can overcome with sheer willpower.

First, you may suffer loss of motivation wherein it's harder to get up and make yourself work. You don't feel motivation or passion anymore. In a burnout state, you struggle to find the motivation to get the job done. It leads to a sense of dissatisfaction. It may be the first signal!

Then, you might suffer from exhaustion. It's the most obvious sign of burnout. Exhaustion may be mental, physical or emotional. If you're depressed or expressing obesity, back pain, heart disease, you should consider about your job. Maybe you notice that feel more pessimistic than you used to. So you shouldn't neglect negative emotions, and it's important to know when it started.

Also, you may start to not take care of yourself. In this state of burnout, people engage in unhealthy lifestyles and lose self-control. They start to drink alcohol, eat too much fast food, or not get enough sleep. That's why self-medication is another side of the coin. It includes relying on sleeping pills to de-stress and getting to sleep or coffee to invigorate the brain.

All the same, there are some methods to overcome burnout.
▪︎ You seriously need to relax. It should be that you really like. For example, reading a book, listening to music, meditation,
visiting your dears and so on.
▪︎ Get enough sleep. Poor sleep leads not only to burnout but to a decreased of your motivation, which makes you more stressful and sensitive. In order to avoid it, you should sleep 7-8 hours per night. If you can't sleep, you should stay away from sleeping pills. And by "pills," I mean all sedation methods, for example, alcohol. Read my article about sleeping habits, and you'll forget about pills.
▪︎ Get organized. In the burnout state, people spend much time worrying that they have no time to do something or they've forget something important. Clear your head, and become more organized. Start keeping a journal or a to-do list in order not to keep all these things in mind.

There are a number of other things that a person can do to help with a burnout. But first and importantly, you must recognize the dilemma you are in for what it is. While you work on avoiding burnouts, remember to strike a balance between work and life outside of work. That should help.

I hope that this was both helpful and interesting to read. Thanks for coming around.


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