A Look into My Family's Past and Present

in Hive Learners3 months ago
Countdown terminated on Dec 23, 2024, 4:00 PM


The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "A Kind Of Family".

I will distribute 3% of the rewards obtained in this post, among the best comments, who will receive a tip when the rewards are collected.


"The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family."
<< Lee Iacocca >>


Bing AI

Hello, dear Hive community, welcome to my blog. Today, I will talk about the topic of A Kind Of Family.

The initial question posed to us is whether I come from a big family. It's a question that has an easy answer: yes and no.

Yes, because on my mother's side, the family is quite large. She has five sisters, and I have many cousins on that side. Each of them has had children, and I have third-generation cousins who are distant cousins, and it's a family that has currently spread all over the world, to different parts of the planet.

So, we are no longer gathered in the same place of origin, which is here, our home in Venezuela. So, from that perspective, yes, the family is big.

On my father's side, the family is smaller, but it is harder for us to see each other because it's a family that got lost in the fields and plains of Venezuela, and we haven't heard from them since.

So, it can be said that from that side, it's a small family despite my grandmother having only three children, two girls and a boy, who is my dad.

My memories of family or the family dynamics we had are from the Sundays when we would go to my grandmother's house when I was still a teenager, and we would gather there to enjoy the lunch she made.


Bing AI

We had that family gathering, and within that dynamic, the perks we enjoyed were being able to talk at the table, the jokes my grandfather made, the interactions he had with my grandmother, and commenting on how delicious the meals were.

I remember my grandmother made very delicious salads, and I think socializing and sharing things at the table while having lunch is one of the social skills learned from having a large family or sharing in a large group.

My immediate family has been composed of mom, dad, and me.

I haven't had brothers or sisters, and I don't know what it's like to interact in a large family because I've always missed that part of having a sibling to compete or argue with.

That has not been good for me because I haven't been able to develop my social skills as I should have. It has taken more time to develop those skills, and it has had to be on my own because neither of my parents were dedicated to that part.

I suppose they felt frustrated by not having more children, and the frustration came because my mom had a problem that prevented her from having more children due to a medical condition called infantile uterus.


Bing AI

The proposal made to us is that if I had money or if money were not an issue, I would have a large family. I would obviously do it because the economic factor is what prevents people from progressing and advancing in life, especially if you are born in a country with many economic difficulties, likely in Latin America or Africa, where access to services and the best things and food depends practically on your financial capacity.

I am sure that people would be much more open to having large families if they knew they could afford education, food, clothing, trips, and all the expenses involved in paying for books and education for all their relatives.

If this weren't a problem, we would probably have much larger and happier families.

I believe governments should work more on making this easier for people, not to raise lazy and idle citizens who don't want to work, but quite the opposite.

People who feel happier and, being freed from the obligation to work just to earn money and pay for their education, would use that time to create and invent things, improve the current world, and be more productive in arts, science, music, and various fields, which I am sure would contribute to all of us having a better world.

And with this reflection I end my intervention on today's topic for the hive learners community.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).

Visit the Neon Strike discord, the game of the future today! (Discord)


Thumbnail image maded using Bing AI and edited with Canva.com
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite
Post translated from spanish to english using Microsoft Copilot

Countdown terminated on Dec 23, 2024, 4:00 PM

Yo tengo apenas dos hermanos. Mi familia está disgregada y aunque nos separamos, todavía seguimos en contacto. Pero en mi caso, soy distante con todos. La situación aprieta y eso hace que la familia se disperse. Ojalá pronto estar todos unidos.

 3 months ago  

I hope you keep hope, in my case, I am happy with my virtual family, having the person I chose close by, it turned out better for me that way

Hi @manclar, I think as you rightly say having neither brothers nor sisters, deprives you of learning. As you say, it is more difficult to acquire certain social skills.

A big hug.

 3 months ago  

Hello @enraizar version 2.0

Well yes, everything is more difficult, communicating, learning, that's why I still don't know how to say things to people, it's hard for me to express things that for other people are simple and easy.

Yes, things are more complicated. And in addition to the complexities that can be involved in communicating, what is lacking in ability is interpreted as pride. Anyway, the world is made for normal people and by normal people.

 3 months ago  

the world is made for normal people and by normal people.

This sums up the entire essence of my problem. I'm jealous that it's so easy for you to express things, I'll take out the flamethrower! 😂

 3 months ago  

I guess you missed the fun of having a large family, I wish you could have one big family and know what I'm talking about but it is what it is

 3 months ago  

Thanks, yes, what it is is what it is, I'm comfortable with that.

Mi familia es numerosa de lado y lado, pero muy desunida 😂, cada quien anda por su cuenta y en resumen... he conocido personas que son más familia que mi familia 🤣 y que sí han estado en momentos importantes de mi vida. Ojalá pudieras retomar el contacto con los que están por el llano. Saludos, @manclar 🤗🤗.

 3 months ago  

Ojalá pudieras retomar el contacto con los que están por el llano.

Nooo those are the ones I like the least, with the family on the father's side it's the one I least want to deal with. Well, actually on both sides they are horrible, but on his side it gives me the impression.

It seems that broken families are a very common factor. It's worrying.

And yes, I feel like you are more like my family than cousins ​​who carry my blood.

It's strange, but that's how life works.

La prima Vezo 😂



$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @manclar tipped @vezo

Each family can be relatively large, mine is made up of 7 people. The 7 for good luck I guess. Not too big and not too small.

And I want to say that I only consider 7 people in my family as “My family”
(I don't know if I'm making myself clear).

I have a large family across the country, but I don't know most of them and I'm not very close to the ones I do know. Among that crowd I highlight 7 people who are the closest to me.


rewards you with NEON Tokens every week?Did you know that delegating your HP to @midnight-studio not only supports amazing projects, but also

@manclar, I paid out 0.241 HIVE and 0.060 HBD to reward 4 comments in this discussion thread.