"Role-playing prepares children for real-life challenges."
This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Helicopter Parenting".
Hello dear readers and I welcome you again to my blog. Today I am going to talk to you about a subject that is proposed to us with the name of Helicopter Parenting, and this is nothing more than putting into the position of parents having to be very active and dedicated people who get involved in the lives of their children, and there is the requirement to give it space but at the same time take care of it. And this is about this publication: how we can find the balance between one thing and the other. I must start by telling them that I am not a father, that it has been a very personal choice in my life not deciding Difficult, and especially if you do not have the tool or financial base necessary to be able to give them a good life. This is the main argument for which I have not wanted to have children and I do not feel sufficiently prepared to face that challenge, and I don't really want to do it. I don't need to do it. I have had the opportunity to be a teacher and be in charge of more than 1500 students of different ages, ranging from three years of age to 17-18 years of age, who are already teenagers and people with other types of challenges. Anyway, I come to tell you about this issue to be able to find the balance between giving enough freedom to children and getting them to communicate with one, that is, respect their independence. There are several things that are important. I think that the most basic is dialogue: speaking very often with children and that children feel that they can freely speak their thoughts, can freely express their thoughts and tell the parents their challenges, the things that concern them. This, one as a father could help to measure when to know how to help him or when to turn and not get involved. It is also part of being what is called listening carefully, actively. You have to put first, with greater place of importance, the perspective they have before giving them an answer, and thus generating trust. As parents, we must give them space and begin to gradually make them independent: give them, according to the age they have, their autonomy, so that children can make decisions depending on the age they have. When they are starting to learn to dress, that they can choose them or make the decisions of which clothes are going to put on; When they are more great, give them freedom on how to manage their tasks, what tasks they will do at home before or after. This causes children to have or develop decision -making skills little by little. We must also teach them how they can handle through the challenges. It is a good idea to always ask him what they could do in this situation, and they will begin to develop that critical thinking ability. In this way, we are helping children too. Another point is to give them small responsibilities: for example, water the plants or take care of the dog, the pet, to take it out, to bathe it, to worry about an animal. And they are going to grab responsibilities and will demonstrate how capable they are, in addition to being learning. And when, for example, they see that the plant gets sick or that the animal gets sick, they will realize that it is because of their responsibility for not having attended it, and that they must face the consequences that it brings. And explain that they understand that it is their responsibility to deal with the pet or the plant or the task they have assigned. It is very important to be empathic with them in this regard. You have to adapt as they grow. Already when they are teenagers, because giving them more independence and always being a person who is there motivating them, helping them, and not seeing one, the figure of father, such as the director or the oppressor, but rather as a person who is there to support them and assist them when they need help. Other important things that I consider to maintain the balance and help in this is that weekly the achievements that have come to have in the relationship and the challenges they have are studied. In this way, we will be able to reinforce this support role that we want to give them as parents. And also, a good idea is to prepare role -playing scenarios where boys can learn skills of how to make decisions, how to handle conflicts by their own means. In this way we are preparing them for life, preparing a scenario of a conflict situation or a difficult situation. The child will be able to have the necessary tools and will be able to grab the necessary skill to develop, and when this situation is already presented in the future, he will know how to answer because he has already practiced it in a role -playing game. And finally, and not least, to celebrate the successes that the child has had or achieved when they face or assume new responsibilities. I think that doing this and creating an environment where children feel supported and empowered makes them grow better and makes the * Helicopter parenting * easier to carry and be a good idea. And the most important thing is that he will have confidence with your child and will be recognized by him as a source of love and wisdom, because they are going to love you and you will have a better relationship. I think it is currently missing parents in this to be prepared, especially the new parents, so that they know the responsibility that a child is to bring to the world. And it is really necessary that people are educated because this is difficult: to bring a new life and educate it and prepare it is a task that precisely leads a life, it has been a great responsibility because we are bringing to the generation of relief and to which they will be able to make the changes and improve this world. I think it is very important to do it. And this has been my opinion about this issue, even though I am not a father. I hope I have been an interesting contribution for this publication and for this content of the day. Thumbnail image maded using Bing AI and edited with Canva.com
"Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child."
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This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
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I am not a parent either, but I can say that I find what you raise very interesting. Between an education that does not protect children and one that is extremely severe, there is always a middle ground. I also liked that you propose role-playing as part of the child's education.
Best regards @manclar.
I have always thought that there must be a balance, and also that a school for parents is needed, so many single mothers and children without education in the world are avoided. The role play is a magnificent tool, it has helped me face the most difficult moments and challenges in my life.
Greetings @enraizar
You can tell from the text that you would have been a great father.
Best regards @manclar.