 4 months ago (edited) 

Haha. Thankfully in the digital space now, we have emojis and gifs to express something when we cannot make put what to say.

These things have made us dumb though, in general. That's another debate.
(You are excluded as you are one of the pros in expression of ideas I have ever came across).

 4 months ago  

Thankfully in the digital space now, we have emojis and gifs to save express

is on spanish, i suggest you to translate it, i have a 50 min video too, but is on spanish, a shame that it dont have subtitles, because is a very interesting explication about the emojis. I just made a very deep explication on this topic, a very good one.

These things have made us dumb though, in general.

It is a big problem that goes beyond that, it is a factory of useless people...

(You are excluded as you are one of the pros in expression of ideas I have ever came across)

In what way? I am interested in knowing your elaborate explanation.

 4 months ago  

is on spanish, i suggest you to translate it

Couldn't get, but something is wrong with the page. Unableto figure out what.

In what way? I am interested in knowing your elaborate explanation

We have been on Hive dropping comments on the post of the people. If you analyze the comment section you you can easily conclude that 90%, if not more, of the comments are superficial.

There are only a few individuals who provide an indepth analysis of the subject through their comments. It is the reflection of their intellect and experiences. Moreover, providing an insightful critique is not possible unless we have the skills to express ourselves with apt words and metaphors.

Take for example, you describing your feeling with the spasam and chest arrest. You explained it so well that I felt the breathlessness for a while.

Besides, whatever I have read from you so far was quite clear and unambiguos making your point of views understandable. Isn't a demonstration of excellent expression?

 4 months ago  

Ah now I understand your point of view, it is that sometimes through the text it can be assumed that the writing has a certain tone or intention and that is not the case. I came to think that I was interesting to you for having unusual thoughts, and that made you curious to know more about me (not that this is wrong, also the reason you give me for the way of expressing myself is very legitimate and logical. , it is simply that I interpret something else. Both ways of thinking are fine, they are just different, and that is the curious thing about language and expressing oneself).

There are only a few individuals who provide an indepth analysis of the subject through their comments

The problem with this is that most people only have time to say 3 or 4 lines and that's it. For example, I am a busy man, I try as much as possible to interact and engage with people who I really find interesting, who I know contribute by their way, who can maintain an interesting conversation. However, there are days when I am very tired and I don't feel like writing, I hope you don't give up or change your opinion about me when you meet me on one of those days. It usually happens to me on Tuesdays of each week, because they are the days when I have the most activity in hive and I am almost always worn out. On Tuesdays I usually work 20 hours, sometimes 22, they are very hard days for me.

With the people here on hive, I suppose they care more about money than anything else, and they don't focus on getting to know that person on the other side a little, which is always interesting. Then I'll come back here with a translation of my post in English for you.
