
Auto generated?

Wow, it really a good tool with auto captions. Just checked.

yeah It is auto generated, then I edited the captions to make it correct.

I will be using this tool soon. If I wanted any advice, I will dm you.

 7 months ago  

Yes, actually i think is the best AI caption tool i know. But is pay for use (with the free version you can do that free captions too, the premiun one give you access to more amazing ai tools like very amazing ai videos just saying it via text, etc)and with premium features you have access to many advanced function.

Instead i use whisper to caption my video subs, is free and do the same but without paying. I combine whisper with aegissub(a caption software) and can do the same effect, in case you are interested to know. Just informing, not presuming lmao. =)

@liquidocelotytt u might find this info useful