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RE: 'Home Sweet Home' Artwork!

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Does that drawing represent the house of your dreams?

I see that they have gone through many difficulties, but that is life, complex. It is necessary to feel a lot of pain to be able to move forward (and value) things.

The landlords are just as corrupt here in Venezuela, they always seek to fill their pockets.

The important thing about this whole experience is that now they are cautious, they think about the future. A good idea is to try to save 10% or more of all the income that you have to make a common fund to purchase the new house.

You are a very enterprising boy and you work hard, now that I know you a little more, I can attest that you make an effort and fight for your loved ones and your community, which is very ethical and respectable.

Keep fighting, there is a long way to go to win the war, and the battles will only begin when you have the new home, so keep going, I know you will make it.

Pretty good drawing by the way.


Does that drawing represent the house of your dreams?

Not really. It's about my current flat's problems (without the problems); this is just a representation.

It is necessary to feel a lot of pain to be able to move forward (and value) things.

The reason I wrote this piece and created the artwork was to share that I, too, face difficulties. In the midst of social facades, some might assume I'm immune to trouble. I wanted to have an honest conversation with my readers.

I can attest that you make an effort and fight for your loved ones

I may write a detailed blog about what I'm sharing here, but I'm unsure if I'll write it, so let me tell you.

My dad has cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It’s been years, and I'm used to it, but the reason I'm sharing this is that he's unwell. Recently, he gave a loan to a real estate agent. The agent called, and my dad, without hesitation, lent him money. The problem is, the agent never returned it.

My dad ended up waiting in the agent's office four different times, and on the fourth day, he waited for over five hours, with the agent promising he'd arrive in 5-10 minutes each hour. By the time I found out, it was too late.

Considering my father's health, it enraged me. I confronted the agent and his family, but he kept giving us vague responses. In response, I took all his legal documents into custody through the court, which has since disrupted his business. He can't move forward until he settles the loan.

I wasn’t angry because he lacked money to repay, if he'd just informed us he couldn’t pay that month, I would've spoken to my dad about extending the deadline. But the fact that he made my sick father wait like that is unforgivable, especially knowing the back pain my dad suffered. He was aware of his health condition and showed an irresponsible attitude. He intentionally made him suffer on different occasions.

Please understand I can’t share all the details in this comment, so please don’t judge. The point is, I care about others deeply, but I won't tolerate anyone who intentionally harms my circle.

Pretty good drawing by the way.


 6 months ago  

Please understand I can’t share all the details in this comment, so please don’t judge. The point is, I care about others deeply, but I won't tolerate anyone who intentionally harms my circle.

It is very understandable and brave of you to tell me publicly, for which I thank you, for showing your vulnerabilities and what you are going through.

I believe that all things in life have a pattern, I make an analogy with an algorithm, if x situation happens = such an event will occur, and that is how things happen, at least that is how I have observed it during my life.

Regarding your father, I hope you manage to achieve a better quality of life, because that is the most important thing when you suffer from different illnesses, I know this because I also suffer from several conditions in my body, and I share diabetes with you. father, so I know how difficult it has been for me (I have a bleeding ulcer on my leg that has not healed for 5 months, due to my diabetes it is difficult to do so).

And about the agent, well I hope that the law is in charge of resolving that quickly.

I may write a detailed blog about what I'm sharing here, but I'm unsure if I'll write it, so let me tell you.

Thank you, I think you made the right decision. Regarding my personal affairs, I am very delicate when it comes to sharing them on the blockchain, since it is something very personal. So I respect your decision and it seems like the best one.

I would never ask you for details about something so personal, I really respect these types of things.

I also tell you that things are going to improve, because of the natural patterns that I have studied, everything follows a cycle, of growth - climax - decay and it is repeated until the patterns of each one are progressively altered. But this is a topic of conversation for another talk, for now, I thank you again for your explanation, you are a gentleman.