Do you care about looks?
Never, in fact I go against that, generally in my experience, those who focus only on appearance end up being superficial and empty people in their thoughts. They may look very pretty on the outside, but what good is it if they are not able to convey an idea?
I agree with you, there is a world beyond "appearance".
When I usually deal with people virtually on the Internet, my mind automatically tends to propose a projection of what the person may be like, that does not mean that I think they will look like that, but rather the way to give that name or alias, a way to associate it with. Generally it is a process in any person, which is used for language constructions and when communicating ideas, using that figure in sentences.
In a simplified way: if I associate someone with a ship, then I can more easily remember that person to have as a reference in conversations. Of course, the "association" processes are different for everyone, but they are still amazing in each case.