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RE: The World in 2050 [EN/PT]

in Hive Learners29 days ago

It's going to be very interesting, because by 2050 I will be about 80 or 81 years old, I'm not sure if I'm alive or not, to be honest with you, I don't expect to be. I hope that by that year the medical advances for people who are already my age (80 or older) will allow us to have a decent and painless life (or death), that is the only thing I ask for, looking at things from my angle and being realistic.

I think the same as you, I think that society is going to be very isolated and we will have reached the point of putting our brains in a machine, and forgetting about the body, thus extending our lifespan. Maybe by those years we had already achieved it, I am curious to see that.

 27 days ago  

It would be really interesting if that happened; it would definitely have a big impact on people’s lives.

 27 days ago  

not only in people's lives, but in different cultures and societies. Imagine being able to preserve the brains and minds of the great geniuses of humanity, Nobel Prize winners, scientists and geniuses in different areas? That would lead us to another type of controversy and paradox of being governed by an elite of geniuses, and we would move on to another debate that would be geniuses vs artificial intelligences?, interesting from any point of view.