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RE: The Christmas season: All preparations are in place.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

How nice it is to know that you celebrate with your family and that soon you will be gathered at the table between laughter and words, sharing moments.

I hope you enjoy the goat and that it turns out delicious, I hope you can take photos and share them!

Here, although I celebrate it being alone, I am also preparing, I already have my main dish.

Merry Christmas, may you receive many gifts.

 2 months ago  

Any reason why you are celebrating alone?

I wish you too a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year ahead.

 2 months ago  

I have no family, wife or children. My friends are virtual and are in other parts of the world.

 2 months ago  

I wish you all the best in this season dear friend, enjoy the season.