The truth is that applying for a loan is something that must be evaluated very carefully, especially if you go to a financial institution, because most likely the end of the story will not be happy, since a large number of people tend to romanticize what they It is obtaining a loan from a bank. I have seen how this destroys people's lives, precisely because the interests are growing more and more and it is impossible for them to alleviate the debt.
The best solution for this is to save even 5% of your income and pay off the debt little by little, and above all not to request loans that are not really needed, since the interest rates eliminate anyone from the game board.
Exactly!! We have to try to avoid these bank loans as much as possible.
But if you want to have a better, free world, because what the banks and all financial institutions seek is to enslave you, create zombies that work automatically for them.
What a future awaits the world, with people becoming more and more automatic, incapable of critical thinking.