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Trust me, you just need to be around the right people. Friends are one of the greatest gifts anyone can ever have. Yes it comes with its pros and con just like every other thing in life, but good friendship is like when cold water spirals down your throat at every gulp on a hot afternoon. It's refreshing to the soul.
I know so many people have issues with friendship and I get it, but this post for you if you desire new friendships and don't know how to go about it.
I've made quite a number of new friends and it actually wasn't hard for me. It's like a code... Once you know the code, just go ahead and apply it... BOOM! 💥 You get the result.
Before we move on, I need to state this. Opposed to what most people think, I don't think you need to have a deep relationship with all your friends or expect them to always be there for you and vice versa.
Some friends are just for vibes, hypes and that all, some are just for specific works, some are for a season and some are for life. Now you can get someone who fits into all these, but it's okay if you just vibe on a surface level with some and it never gets deeper .. it's perfectly okay.
How to make new friends is to first of all be a friendly person and also look friendly because no body sees your heart.. lol. All we can see is your face.
Think of someone you know who always have a hard face on, always sarcastic, always looking like they are ready to fight you. Will you try to be around them? No, rather you would want to be around someone who is warm, loving, understanding e.t.c, be that kind of person.
Another way is to find a common ground of interest with who you want to be friends with.
Then, don't be repulsive, rather be welcoming, don't act like you don't need anybody.
Genuinely care for people, but don't be a walk over, if you show them love and they take you for granted, that's on them. Don't cast your pearls on swines baby, take your pearls back and keep them till you meet the Kings and Queens who deserve them.
If you keep being yourself, you will definitely find your true tribe.
I won't even lie, I prefer having a a small inner circle of friends, if not one close friend, I can be vulnerable with and share deep stuffs. Also a handful of acquaintances whom we just vibe, hype each other and roll on a surface level.
Most people won't call that kind of a person a "friend" but I would, I think you just know the level at which people are in your life and vice versa. I believe friendships are in different categories; from acquaintances to close friends.
You would agree with me that before someone can be called a close friend, and you're sure the person also places you on a high pedestal in their life also, it has to start from the level of being acquaintances.
It doesn't matter how strong the connection was initially, it has to grow from being acquainted with them to being very close friends, so yeah... An acquaintance is also a friend, just on a different level.
If you say an acquaintance is not a friend, you're also right because of e are saying the same thing in different ways.
I prefer it this was because I'm an interpersonal person and I know where to set boundaries, I can cut people or shift immediately I sense foul play. I'm very friendly but observant and don't take things personal.
So,based on my personality and growth by the grace of God. I love my small inner circle and a handful of friends.
What about you?
All images used are mine.
I like your view about friendship and how you explained the concept of friendship you believe in. Nice write up 👍
Thank you
I love the small circle of friends, your perspective on friendship is very interesting and I like it