For dreams to be achieved, sacrifices need to be made, we have to leave our comfort zone to face the reality of life.
Most times , some people quit along the way because they are expecting everything to be smooth. In our way to achieve our dreams, pains, difficulty , there will always be. It's better to face all challenge (dark circle) now , because when we finally achieve our aim, all those challenges will definitely be a story to tell.
The dark circle are just there for a main time , we shouldn't be discourage about it, it will surely clears off at the right time.
Was directed to your post via @dreamport
As it is said, No pains no gains. That's stands true for chasers of dreems too. Nothing can be achieved without facing the consequences. We only need to stand firm.
Thanks for stopping by @maryjacy
It's my pleasure... Have wonderful day ahead.
Thanks, dear