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RE: A funny event is worth remembering.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I can't stop laughing with the funny scenarios here, I love to watch all those comedian with funny costume anytime I went to the party, it makes the party to more, one will surely laugh out their ass with their acts...hehe

That's chicken is really tempting, maybe that's why he grabbed it and ran away, he can't resist it. hehehe, I feel like devouring it from my phone😂

I can see that it was an enjoyment galore for you that day, even the wedding Jollof is tempting.

 2 years ago  

Hahaha 😂😂
Don't devour the chicken from Ur phone oo 😂🤣's really tempting but oh boy...the comedian went overboard

 2 years ago  

lol, I have been craving for chicken since yesterday, but my account is telling me you can't eat chicken now..😂😂