Wrong Perception of Celebrities By Fans

in Hive Learners2 days ago

The society we are today is full of celebrities, social media influencers and alot of individuals who have gain title to the name and by this way become popular in the society and the country at large, many have gone as far as gaining title to their name across the country. People like Davido, Wizkid, Burnaboy, Rema and others.. These celebrities also have fans, but one thing we have to consider is are these fans real fans yes! It is an important question, because I have seen a situations where A Davido fans was shouting "Wiz Boy" together with Wizkid fans when Wizkid came for an event in my location, so how can you know who is really a fan outside, honestly speaking outside there is not safe, so everyone celebrity is supposed to be careful. Alot of fans think that at the first sight of a celebrity to you that they will recognize you and bless your live, hehe many of the celebrity barely know 20% of their fans so you don't expect a celebrity to just be cool with you at first contact. They are human being like you and I, so just imagine meeting a stranger qnd reacting the way most Nigerian fans do and think of what the stranger will do? So we should be careful how we react to celebrity being rude and arrogant to fans.

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However the Question again here is, are there celebrity who are aggressive to fans and the perfect answer is yes!! About 68% of upcoming celebrity are mostly aggressive to fans, many celebrities have to control there emotions just to be cool. When a celebrity is coming up gradually, it is his turn to ask for follows and when he grow to a point when he feels he is okay with the number, rude response and aggressive behavior begin and to the fans to have used them and this time around you don't send them again. This is how some fans become aggressive to a celebrity, so I think it will be nice and right if a celebrity should create a little time to stream on live with some of his or her fans, at least fans will have this spirit and feeling of involvement, because whether a celebrity like it or not, fans must be aggressive to you..

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Something happened about a month ago in our country Nigeria, Burnaboy a Big whale celebrity from Nigeria also and people was criticizing about his behaviors towards a fans of his who ran to him of stage but he kicked the guy out aggressively, and other fans was like why will Burnaboy do such when a fans came to him, haven't you been seeing Wizkid and his fans, alot of comments went viral on internet and social media. But just like I will also ask questions; what if that guy is not Burnaboy's fans but he is just pretend to be, just like I said earlier out there is not safe, fans or not fans you don't know who is who. When you calm down to watch that video you will understand that no one called the guy on stage, so why can't him stay in the crowd, I don't think he is the only fan of Burnaboy there that very Day. I think fans should learn to allow celebrity called upon them before they run into them and at last term it that the celebrities are aggressive and arrogant.

Out there is not safe so everyone should be careful no matter what it may be, when a celebrity dies the fans will do candle night, wear black and black and at last switch to another celebrity.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog

 2 days ago  

I agree with you that meeting with celebrity is just like meeting with stranger and we should be careful about their behavior too because we don't know them

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 17 minutes ago  

I've seen many celebrities grow with the help of their fans, and then they start to neglect them.