Dynamic Goals

in Hive Learnerslast year

Over the years I've learnt not to over-complicate my life with expectations, goals and targets. When the year starts, everyone goes on this goal setting frenzy; promises are made, targets are locked. Motivational speakers will make you feel silly for not getting in on the goal setting act. Most people are driven to set seemingly achievable goals despite having little to no control of time and space.

The result? Tonnes of unachieved goals that eventually ends up making the goal setter feel goofy, unfulfilled and highly unhappy. I've seen people write off a whole year as a failure because they couldn't achieve some arbitrary goals they set to achieve in the first week of the year. Funnily enough, some less resourced people go ahead setting goals that's fully dependent on earlier goals they won't probably achieve. Without mincing words, I'm not completely a fan of rigid, goal setting procedures; I love dynamism.

Despite my preference, I still set goals; I do have targets. I'm just not overly crazy about monitoring my life to the point of losing the excitement that comes with living. I choose dynamism over rigidity; I set my goals in accordance with reality, not with dreams and expectations. That has helped me to pick myself up, move quickly onto the next one once a target is not met. That has protected me from grieving over an unmet target to the point of losing sight of the remaining targets.

I started 2023 with a clearly defined goal, a goal that emanated from achieved results of last year's plan. I was on the right track, walking majestically towards a goal that was already within my grasp. And then, life happened. From circumstances that have nothing to do with me, I lost it all. Right before my eyes, my goal crashed and burned. Of course, I was very upset. But life dynamics has taught me that you may do everything perfectly well and still lose out on the target. But, just like I said earlier, I learnt not to be too dependent or rigid on goals. It's helped me to keep my emotions in check and placed me far away from psychological breakdowns.

Without mincing words, 2023 has been my most disappointing year in terms of expectations and achievements. Opportunities have appeared and quickly disappeared before I could raise a finger to grasp it. Despite that, each disappeared opportunity has strengthened my resolve and made me a better person. For the goals that crashed, they've been recalibrated and repurposed towards next year. By then, we will see. For now, other goals that will strengthen my case for next year's target are in full swing. One of those goals is to learn data analysis.

Is it achievable before the year runs out? I guess not because I have the most basic knowledge of it. Research I've done so far has shown that I'll need at least six months of serious learning and application to be close to someone that can be called a data analyst. And that's why my goals are not bound to calendar years. Because if they were, I'll want to engage in something I can end by December 31. My point is, do have a dynamic goal; you just don't know what will happen in the next minute.


 last year (edited) 

A lot of things are beyond our control in life so it's pointless being rigid with our new year resolutions.

I make them though but will never beat myself hard for not fulfilling them, it is the end of the year and not the end of the world.


 last year  

it is the end of the year and not the end of the world.

This right here summarizes the whole thing.
Thanks for stopping by, #dreemer.

You are right, we never can tell what will happen the next minute. The fact that we are unable by meet up with a set goals doesn't mean we should give up. Instead, we try again another year.

Thanks for this inspiring post.


 last year  

That's the point. Most people berate themselves for failing to meet goals. It's unbelievable how we punish ourselves for things we have control over.

 last year  

Every year starts with new set of goals. Some might be achieved while others may not but it's natural because we have no control over it.

Sometimes when we fail to achieve some goals, we just have to give it another try and put in more effort into achieving it.


 last year  

Giving ourselves the chance to try again after failing to hit the target is quite important.

Thanks for stopping by, #dreemer.

 last year  

Being rigid about setting of goals seems like the only defence mechanism capable of protecting ourselves from procrastination, we all know life is complex and full of uncertainties. Once in a while we are forced to compromise, which means things can't always go the way we want them to.

But having a strict/rigid attitude towards setting and achieving goals allows us to be more focused on achieving our goals and putting our life in order.

Though things might not go our way sometimes, which might cause some kind of mental distress. It is left for us to discipline ourselves to control our emotions, if a plan doesn't work, you are can always set another.

Every individual have different approach, when it comes to patterns and techniques for achieving their goals but rigidity tends to ensure strict compliance.

Pop in from #dreemport #dreemerforlife

 last year  

Yes, being rigid helps with compliance; it helps to combat procrastination. However, I've seen people break down completely from missing out on their goals too. They just don't have the will to carry on after emptying so much only to fall short.

Well, different strokes for different folks.

And, thanks for the input. I love your take on the discussion.

 last year  

You make so much sense on this post and I am not only impressed but I have also learnt something great. We should not worry about things we can't be able to control, but we should equally try our best to achieve what we desire regardless.

Thanks for sharing and goodluck in this contest friend.

 last year  

Goals can decisive, they can also be deceitful. I'm glad we all get to learn from each other.

Thanks for stopping by.

I think you're right on that score. We face a lot of disappointments where our goals are concerned. I've learnt to make my goals dynamic and simply work hard while hoping for the best. I hope the remaining days of the year are wonderful for you.✨

 last year  

I hope the remaining days bring a lot of excitement and happiness your way too.

Thanks for stopping by.

Like you've rightly said, we have no control over time and space, we can only put in our best hoping for a better result, but when all things fails, experiences are gained. Thank you for this. #dreamerforlife

 last year  

Failure or success always leads to an experience gained. That's a wonderful perspective.

Thanks for stopping by, #dreemer.