Then, they make sure to end with; “If symptoms persist, please consult your doctor!”
The pharmaceutical industries did a good job(for themselves) of cutting off the doctors who are supposed to be middle men who prescribe their drugs to patients. With this, they make more money and put more lives at risk.
The horrible healthcare system in our country is what makes this so. People would rather put their trust in a retail drug seller for prescription than to go see a doctor. Then, those ones will prescribe drugs based on the patient's purse and the path that gets the seller to profit. With mounting problems in the country, it will only get worse because the drugs are even getting more expensive by the day.
As in ehn... that thing is funny. There are levels to the drugs. If your money can't afford this, they'll provide the one that you can afford. It's all a business to them. None of them cares about our health.