Placing The Main Stream Media In A Particle Accelerator Of Reality

in Hive Learners9 months ago (edited)


        A particle accelerator is allegedly a trillion dollar tool to rediscover the basic fabric of the microcosmos. An atom is a name that formerly describes a subatomic particles but now since it is called subatomic, it is suppose to be the particles that make up an atom. An atom is a word which means "cannot be cut" but particle accelerators are the proof that an atom can be cut. Propagandists and Psychologists are creating atoms. We the meek ones can sense them at every turn. They are hoping and praying that no one in this universe or any universe is capable of breaking up their atoms into puny little pieces. They were fortunate until I came into the scene. Believe it or not, the only reason why modern men and women are so mentally and psychologically deranged and depressed is their inability to spot the Groundhog Day of Psychological Warfare that they are being subjected to in their daily lives. The best appellation for these group of people are GATEKEEPERS they are the keeping the truth in a virtual container and their job is to create diversions.
        My job as a pretentious blogger is to allow (you) the reader to break down the Propaganda Machine into distinct pieces to finally take control of your lives. My specific job right now is to break down the documentary which was created by a certain man named Atom Araullo. He released a documentary entitled "ANAK". This is about a rural legend that created doubts as to the capability of couples to care for their precious progeny.

Anak Is The Title of Documentary Created by certain Atom Araullo

Estimated Running Time: 46 minutes
Estimated Time For Commercial Gaps: 19 minutes
Total Estimated Time: 1 hour and 5 minutes (65 minutes)

Sequence One

Introduction Of The Documentarian

        Medical mission at Binangoan, Negros Oriental. All the progenies are stunted and malnourished as documentarian nowadays will usually and conventionally empasize.
They are being weighed on a weighing scale. One of the progenies of the SITIO is severely malnourished almost to the point of death. He weighs 2.4 kilogram age 1 year 7 months. One of progenies was heard through a stethoscope to have this very problematic sound in his lungs.

Sequence Two

        Introducing the sponsor of the informant, A missionary entity. No information about the missionary entity. The informant of the documentarian appears on camera. He is a member allegedly of the missionary entity. There are rural legends which states that babies from poor parents are becoming victims of their very on unhinged parents. The facade(shallow back story) of the informant was narrated as well.

Sequence Three

        A 37 year old mother of 5 is being visited by the city health officers. She is about to give birth and she is bound to put her 6th progeny for adoption. The health officers were seen measuring her abdomen.
Through optical inspection they computed her due date. They are telling the woman that her due date is July 28, 2022.

        The medical mission is also a planned parenthood propaganda machine.
They are seen preaching the gospel of PP. They were giving away contraceptives.

        One of kids is believed to be afflicted with respiratory related illness for instance Pneumonia. The child and mother were both seen riding an ambulance to the nearest health facility.

Sequence Four

        The journey of the documentarian to the humble home of the informant. His trekking shoes gathered a couple of kilograms of sticky mud. He is ready to give up. He auto-motivated himself. The journey is allegedly a long trek which lasted for about five hours. It was already night time when he reached his destination.

        The informant and his side story was briefly narrated. He introduced his two new legally acquired (adopted) progeny. Their names were revealed
He tried his best to flesh out the details about his behavioral patterns of adopted kids

Sequence Five

        One of the pregnant member of the remote SITIO ascended the slopes of mountain near their area to gather an important root crop to be bartered at a nearest business establishment. Her husband accompanied her during this expedition.
The pregnant whom is about to give birth. They were able to trade the root crop for one kilogram of rice atleast three fourths kilo of sugar and two pieces of single serving of instant coffee. (70 pesos) The barter system rules in in this sequence.

Sequence Six

        The couple who put up one of their progeny for adoption. Are the new parents of an offspring as well. They are now mature enough to keep their youngest for keeps.

Sequence Seven

        The suspicious origin of the rural legend about newborn in a SITIO started somewhere in Negros Oriental. During the time of former President Ramon Magsaysay the tale of a baby who was allegedly buried alive started. The baby girl was buried but she was rescued by a neighbor whom adopted her and took her as her real progeny. Six decades later the baby girl is now a senior citizen. She denies that she was buried alive by her parents. Nobody can say for certain that she was almost deep sixed so to speak. It was relayed through a young lady who was serving as a translator of sorts. She is unaware that everything about her is something that could be classified as a subject of a creepy pasta.

Last Sequence of Documentary

        One of the residents of a remote SITIO delivered her baby. The new father is burying something (The Placenta of his progeny). They are no longer interested in putting their 6th progeny for adoption. The member of a missionary group whom adopted two kids was apparently happy that the rural legend about newborn babies being buried alive is somewhat a hoax. Some residents of the area is still insisting that the rural legend is true but when confronted by the documentarian they folded immediately.

Conclusion, no evidence in the area that will implicate a baby killer. Planned parenthood propaganda is the main focus of the documentary. Fin.


My son wants to be a physicist one day. I told him it's hard here in the Philippines unless you study abroad. Sana we push science more here in ph.