Mental health, Stress and Depression (A true life story about how a friend who got into depression died)

in Hive Learners11 months ago



With great pain I write about this story…this is one reason why it is essential to check on people,because you may never know who is depressed some do hide it because they feel it is a burden to others

Stress,depression and anxiety can affect mental health and disrupt a persons routine

Although health professionals often use the term mental health but doctors recognize that many mental health conditions have physical roots

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life and realizes their abilities

Depression is a common medical illness that negatively affects how a person feels and think
Depression can come with symptoms of psychosis and another thing is that someone can be depressed and still look happy and lively on the outside

Everyone is at some risk of developing a mental health disorder regardless of the person’s age sex income or ethnicity

Peer pressure and the desire to belong are significant factors that can contribute to depression among teenagers.

Losing a lover can be a deeply painful experience that can lead to feelings of grief, sadness, and loneliness. The process of moving on from such a loss can be challenging and can sometimes contribute to depression

The end of a romantic relationship can be similar to experiencing a loss through death. This can trigger a grieving process where the individual goes through stages such as denial, anger, bargaining, derassion, and acceptance.


Depression can lead to suicidal attempts and death In my own case I’ll talk about how death took my loved one away she was going through family problems and also a break up
We did not know at first what made her took her life using a very dangerous insecticide
But we later found out through her chats and diary
Before she died she was a very happy soul and would always want to put smile on people’s faces
We weren’t so close but she was a good friend and I was totally shocked
If only we knew it was going to happen we could have given her more time and attention so as not to feel lonely

I would advice everyone here to check on their loved ones even the ones that are doing well for themselves cause you can’t see people’s problems just by looking at them,you just have to be close and let them confide in you to be able to speak out
And also to ourselves I believe there isn’t anyone who hasn’t faced anxiety if not depression in our lives before
We should learn to overcome them by seeing the good sides of life not only focusing on the bad sides cause things will get better



Thanks for reading🥰