Slim bullet, you look tiny, do you even eat? How come you don't look your age? Why do you keep getting lean?
There was almost nothing I didn't hear regarding my body looks, it became clear to me then that I had to work on my body to add some weight and that was how I led myself into Obsession over my body weight. I became so hardworking in making it happen sooner than later.
Image designed here
Because of my quest to add weight, I stop taking pictures after the last one I took before I started the tips I was given to add weight. Taking pictures wouldn't let me see the difference before I get any compliments on it so I stayed off the camera and began to work on my body weight for an increase. While I was given a lot of options to increase my weight including the unhealthy and no go areas own, I decided to stick to only one which was suggested by my mum.
Before I started taking the mixture, I took a picture to keep and refer back to for possible differences but I couldn't find that exact picture, this is another picture closest to it so yeah, I was looking exactly this way before I started the weight gain procedure.
The slim bullet, tiny girl
I was so sure that things would change after the process and I had so many plans on how to change my wardrobe when that happens 🤣 it was a time of so much excitement and feeling positive when I was busy with the process for my weight gain.
This tip was not only effective according to her as she had read and researched about it, I loved it because it had all the ingredients I'll always love to take so there was no skipping and I thought that was it, I'll add more weight so long I continued with the tip. I began to prepare and take this mixture everyday, morning and night 👇
Banana, peanut butter and Hollandia evap milk
At the time when I began to spend on this, they were not so cheap and I was on monthly allowance but somehow I always found a way to have the money for these things. I would buy them in bulk aside the banana which I preferred buying fresh ones daily, I would spend on them even if there was no money for main food or to buy other things for myself... This was all because I was on a mission to increase my weight and look more fatter 🥲
So I mistakenly took this picture one day in class while I was still taking the mixture and I allowed the picture deceive myself that I was adding up because my face looked fuller (or doesn't it?). I felt happy that my resolve was working so I kept at it without taking more pictures.
I never missed a day in three months, I am yet to bring myself to calculate how much in total I spent in buying those ingredients for my weight gain. Sometimes I'll go without food but take this mixture as my main food and I'll feel full, it continued for three months and a little more before I decided to take a picture for comparison.
It was close to my birthday so I didn't take or upload my picture anywhere until I did a few photoshoots for my birthday celebration. I saw this picture, compared both and I was like "Did I work on my body weight or my skin colour?" I mean, I was a little darker before I started the mixture but I got lighter after and I began to question the effect of the mixture I took so seriously. I didn't even add weight on a scale when I checked 😂
It didn't work for what I wanted it to, I couldn't cry and I never got any compliment that was close to what I wanted to hear when I uploaded a picture after a long time... I was beaten out of my obsession to gain weight 🥲
I stopped forcing the fat to come, I continued bearing with the "slim bullet, tiny girl" statements I get from my friends until I hear some of them say they envy my body stature 😱 and it hit me to realization that I really did waste my time on what wasn't worth it as I had a great body stature for the person that I am.
I even laughed at myself when I imagined "Merit as a fat girl" and when I remember my mum saying I shouldn't call her mum if I get fat 🤣 I resolved to keep my body the way it is, no efforts to look fatter and no efforts to go leaner... I'll just eat when I want to, sleep when I want to and continue to pursue my peace of mind.
That is my Now, still looking like I was in the first picture (about 6 years ago) tell me what else can someone like me do to gain weight aside waiting for nature to take it's course on me 😂 That was how I killed that useless body obsession in me and realize that I'm perfectly created until nature decides another phase for me. I hear that I could add up when I get married and have my kids, until then, I don't believe I will get fat at all.
No need to get my hopes up 😒 I like me the way I am now and I'm sure I'll look even better when I have money and more peace of mind in the future.
All images in this post are mine
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Now this is the part I love and your concluding part as well. Nothing beats self love. Atimes, we just need to overlook the noises around and be ourselves. Imagine the efforts u made for 3 months but ended up getting a lighter skin instead 😉😂
You beautifully and wonderfully made
I was never a fat person until I got married
Oh boy, fat from America landed one after my second baby...but then, my husband hated one asked me to start working on my weight and today, I have a stable weight I can yeah, you will surely add up during pregnancy and after childbirth 😉🥰
Lol I shock o, a lighter skin instead of more weight 😅 the mixture had that potential though considering the ingredients.
Thanks ma'am, I'm grateful for my body looks now 😊
I'm looking forward to when I'll give birth then, hopefully I won't go too fat 🤣 that's if I'll add up at all lol
Hehe. That line made me laugh 🤣🤣. I was also going to ask the same question after see the picture. I don't know why people are so desperate to gain or lose weight. We should love ourselves how we are till our weight is in a standard range.
So that mixture made your skin beautiful 😅. You can share the procedure of making the mixture. I am sure many people want to know about it.
Haha the mixture was very rich in nutrient so I understand why it made my skin glow than make me look fat.
The process isn't hard, it is just as it in the picture... I mix them up and drink it.
Thanks for stopping by Intishar 🙂
If you are naturally slim then enjoy it! As long as you are healthy why care what other people think of what they may call you? It's your body not theirs!
Now if you read my that bag of doughnuts I got today for cheap and I guarantee you'll gain weight. Won't make you healthy but you will gain weight.
Regardless enjoy the body you have....keep it way to go.
Haha I don't want to go near those doughnuts then 😅 I wanted healthy fat and that was why I liked the recommendation mum gave me.
It's in the past now, I love my body now 😊 thanks for the advice sir
Boss lady
Sometimes the truth is that we can't look different than the way we are and that's who we are wether slim or fat
I never made plans to get fat because I knew it would never work even if I took 1 thousand mixture, anyways I'm not slim just normal and I like myself
The worst is if I say I want to get slime, I've fasted and fasted but still the same, I should even get an award of fasting in my church 😂😂😂😂
Lol that's a funny one, maybe they should really give you an award 😅
Thanks for stopping by
Ya no probs
Smiles, My love, i was told if slim ladies put to bed they will gain weight, maybe we should wait till then. Also, You stature look so good and perfect. I am trying to imagine how your face would look like if you are fat.. well, you still look good in my imagination
Haha I'm waiting for that time o
No much hope sha, if it happens, good!
Hehe I'll look good even if I'm fat? That na whining because we never know yet 🥲
🤣🤣 You know i can whine you.
well, I am here and we would still be close when that time come so i can remind you
Lol until then
I don't know why you want to put on weight cos i love lepa babes, slim like the way you are👀
I have a secret to getting fat though, it will definitely work within 1 month if you follow my instructions lol
Lol the people around me like them a little bigger, you're not here to like my lepa body 🤣
What's the secret? Tell me first
Quite simple
Just start eating jollof and turkey every night around that 9 p.m everyday for one month and see for yourself how fat you will become .
Just come to where your body will be admired 😁
Lol Jollof and turkey for a month will definitely finish my staked HP 🤣
Please I'm coming, I nor wan fat again lol
lol it will work though, everything will shoot out and those around you will be like, merit how come👀
Lol I don't want again 😅
You look so perfect just the way you're my dear; I could actually relate very well. I could remember while in Cross River i was told by Many that am looking slimmer, mehn you need to seee the war to add weight although not to get fatter but that really disturbed me emotionally and Psychologically.
I took many drugs just to add weight for no just course but at the end i didn't even see any difference in any form. I resolve not to allow their thoughts get into me.😘
Haha I'm glad we have come to the realization that we are good the way we are, I just focus on looking good now 😊
Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment
You're welcome Merit
Because of small weight see concoctions you’re drinking.😂😂 I think weight comes naturally for some people. Some of us too unless God.
When you become fat you’ll be fighting to lose weight. What do human beings want at all.😂
Hehehe I wonder too oh, see all the things she is drinking for weight gain lol 😂😂😂😂
😂😂 this can never be us
Lol our case is on God 🤣
It was so delicious so I made sure to not skip a day but see me now 🥲
I don't want to get fat but I don't want to look skinny, that's what me as a human want 🤧
Abeg eat what you can. Don’t go and be eating weird stuff for weight. This is probably all your weight till you marry.😂😂
Haha noted ma'am 😅
See what you were enjoying, if you're the hormone responsible for fat that has been enjoying all those diets, would you get fat or would you remain slim so that you keep getting what you're getting and enjoying yourself 😂😂
Slim bullet teacher... Okay, here we go😂
He has come again o
So you and the fat planned that 😅
No problem, I stopped taking it
Nor be my money ona wan finish 🤣
People are often very creative when it comes to recommending what to do to gain or lose weight. You really hear things that sound like something out of a science fiction movie and others out of a children's movie. I'm glad you are happy with your current weight and have surrendered to "nature" 🤣. Regards @merit.ahama
Lol I know right! There were countless recommendations for me when I showed interest in gaining weight.
Oh yes, I've surrendered 😂
I can't kill myself
🤣 @merit.ahama
Judging by the before and after people, you haven't added weight and suddenly, I started thinking about vampires and how they don't age.
Don't mind me... You are perfect just the way you are. One of the terrible mistakes we can make in life is adjusting ourselves to please people, it really doesn't end well.
Lol did you just compare me to vampires? 🤣 No offence taken though.
Thanks George, I plan to keep it the way it is... We move
Hehehehehe see me wanting to screenshot your weight gain kit asap not until I continued reading😂😂😂😂
I’ve been weighing the same kg for years now and oh boy I can eat, and I keep wondering where all the food are going to and I’ve been told countless times that I’d gain weight when I give birth and I’m seriously looking forward to that.
We are ectomorphs so the easiest way to gain weight is by building our muscles. I honestly have given up trying to get fat Abeg, I just pride myself in how amazing I look and what I have to offer.
I enjoyed reading this !LADY
Well dear, pregnancy adds about 12kg weight however that does not imply you won't lose the weight after delivery. Some are lucky to add up after delivery though
Interesting fact, thanks for sharing
You're welcome
Dear Lord please I want to be part of the lucky ones🙏🙏
Lol sorry for the heart break with the weight gain kit 🤣 I also thought it'd work for me.
I'm also looking forward to when I give birth, might add up a little then 😅
We stay the way we are until some weight up on it's own lol
Hehehehehe till then fingers crossed🥳
Lol yeah! 🙂
I love the fact that you've come to appreciate your body weight as it is right now. Medically, we don't encourage fatness because of lipids build up however we don't want you looking quite thin. Personally I fell you're good as you are.
Weight gain comes from less stress, good food with a little tilt to fats and carbohydrates that easily build up where the body engages in less fats build up.
Thank you for sharing and lovely pictures too
Yeah, mum told me something like that too... Fat should be avoided as much as possible. Glad I'm still good as I am and not too slim lol.
Tips taken, thanks for stopping by 🙂
You're very welcome
Omo! I stopped stressing myself too and concluded I am okay with the way I am. No one should come and preach nonsense to me. I got lots of shaming because of my tummy but I realized it is just natural. No matter what you try to do, you will still be the way you are. I love my stature and I won't allow anyone say otherwise to me.
My dear, your stature is a sweet one and I like you for that.
Tummy fat is one thing, I didn't think adding weight could cause such and I did one small mistake sometime ago... Eating late at night for some weeks 😅 my stomach started to look strange.
Good thing my body could go back to normal when I stopped, and I was thinking I'll get fat with it 😅
It's always better to accept your self and take care of your body well.
Sure, we must accept who we are and focus more on taking care of our body.#dreemport directed me here today. Yea, I don´t like eating late at night now because of it side effects.
Haha that's good to know, glad you were directed here again 😁
It was great you realized your worth wasn't tied to your weight or what people say about you. But then you should have continued on those diet seeing it is good for your skin and healthy as well.
Haha I know right, I did wanted to but the girl went broke for sometime and it was an expensive diet 🥲
Lol, I can relate
Some times, this kind of journey stemmed out from people's comment about one's stature. It's good that you discovered who you are and you are living it wonderfully.
Oh yes, I'm glad I am 😊
Now I'm not looking bad at all, I get healthy comments about my body
Hahaha, I can feel your quest for a new phase. My assurance to you is this: just relax, it's only nature that can change your phase. Myself, am also slim, but, am not worried because, although, people do look down on me, yet, am proud of it because, it makes me look younger than my age. Fat people are even dreaming to be slim. Enjoy.
I know right, one of fat friend keeps wishing she has my body shape 😅
Hahaha 🤣 I am not sure the fat self will fit you because you are beautiful just the way you are
And more so slim people doesn't age on time unlike fat people that will quickly show
Don't waste your money unless you just feel like taking the mixture
Haha that's why I've decided to love me like that, I didn't try to think what the fat will look like on me 😅
I enjoy the mixture a lot, might just have it sometime but not with an aim anymore.
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Nice stature ma.