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RE: Risk VS Reward

in Hive Learners16 days ago

Ethics and addiction really don’t belong in the same sentence. Terrible things happen because of addictions, and when it gets to the point of stealing your own grandmother’s medicine, we know it’s something that’s already crossed the line.

 16 days ago  

I absolutely agree. However addiction is ugly and people deserve respect addict or not. Love the person, not the addiction. As a pharmacist labeling someone as an "addict" and judging is easy. Seeing them as a person who needs help fighting against a huge problem is hard. However if you pharmacist isn't going to help you battle addiction who do you turn to?

Still when I hear someone stealing their own grandmother's medicine to fuel an addiction it makes me sad and angry 😡. That's why it does give me some guilty pleasure of serves you right when they get a tube inserted somewhere....unpleasant