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RE: First things first

My dad was completely opposite to your one, hehe. He spent whatever he felt right at that moment without having thoughts about the adversities that might arise. My mother often tells us about some of his wrong calls and tries to teach us the lessons.

Well, I would say often I act like him, spend whatever I feel like without a second thought but slowly I am changing that. I try to have a plan for my earnings, expenses, needs, and budget, and try to save a little bit when I can. I think I am getting better day by day.

The first thing and the most important thing is my income, how much am I making?

Yeap, it's wise, I remembered a saying, "cut your coat according to your cloth."
Best wishes to you with your financial plans.

 2 years ago  

The good thing about all of this is that you now know how important budgeting is. You might not have known it then but your dad acting that way was just a way of life showing you some things you shouldn't do when you get to that age.. And now due to all you've seen while growing up, you now know better.

Yeap, it came out as a lesson.
Not like he did all wrong but things could have been done better that I wish to do now.