The culture of sitting with oneself and thinking does not exist for most people, not because they do not suffer from any problems and do not have anything that disturbs their sleep, but because the person saw that escaping is the best way to completely stay away from any problems. Indeed, escaping is an easy way, but it is not a cure.
Imagine with me, my friend, that you suffer from a disease. Every week or every day, it hurts you so badly, so you have to take some painkillers, and then the pain goes away completely, but what next? Indeed, taking some analgesic pills is easier than the surgery, but in the long run, what will you do?
Likewise, you must look at the long-term, such as the investor who buys real estate or gold or does a project. He looks at what this project will earn him in the long run, and you must look at what you will do in the long run. Will you continue to escape or will you face the problem and stand with Do you want to know the cause of depression first and develop a plan to get rid of the negative thoughts that you have?
Face The Problem
The best solution to reach a high degree of psychological peace is to face the problem that you have and you will have enough time to get rid of the depression that is bothering you. Therefore, you must choose a day when you have no work and are sitting alone so that no one but your thoughts interrupt you.
You start by listing the negative thoughts that you have, whether they were situations that happened to you or mistakes you made in the past. Then you start addressing these things in your mind first. If these things need treatment on the ground, you must develop more than one plan to get rid of those problems that you have.
In this way, you will have a clear mind and you will have a smoother life instead of frequent escape. Perhaps after that session, you will find that these problems were simpler than you imagine and their treatment was easy, but you preferred to escape, which had no benefit other than that it was a palliative.
A person cannot live with negative energy because he is simply an emotional being who needs to feel safe and feel psychological peace so that he can work and be creative. You, my friend, are not a robot. Your mind is the one that works before your hand, so give it a dose of positive energy and empty it from negative charges from time to time.
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Thank You

Thank you for sharing. Depression is something we humans have to overcome.
It's a constant battle.
You are welcome