I think that helicopter parenting on the one hand expresses a desire to overprotect and empathize with the child, while on the other hand it acts as a barrier to their freedom. I myself have seen many times, when parents are involved in every little step of their child's life, they make the mistake of thinking that they will solve all the problems of the child. But in my opinion, this is not right, because if children are not given the opportunity to solve their own problems, they cannot learn to deal with life's problems. I think it is very important for children to have a little freedom to develop their own identity.
I have found in personal experience that when some members of my family were over-controlling, the children lost a lot of confidence at an early age and did not learn to make decisions for themselves. On the other hand, when I saw that parents were able to balance the right amount of protection and freedom, they saw that the children began to learn from their own mistakes, gaining the ability to deal with their own problems. In my opinion, being a good parent is not just about keeping a child safe, but also about encouraging him to make his own decisions about many aspects of life.
I think we should care about our children, but also give them opportunities to experience their own world. If we constantly impose control over them, on the one hand their development of independent thinking stops and on the other hand they fail to achieve self-reliance. From my experience, when children make their own decisions about some of the big decisions in life, such as choosing friends, studying or choosing a career, their confidence increases and they become more creative and independent in the future.
Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to strike a fine balance between helicopter parenting. Parents should not only be involved in every detail of their children's lives, but also help them learn by making mistakes. I believe, this is how we can build a strong and independent mindset for our children's future.