Whoever is not your friend is definitely your enemy. That's the simplest way to describe celebrities and their fan base in the entertainment world. A celebrity may get the best reward base on the hyping or support he gets from his fan. This is the reason why you will never see a celebrity speak against the attitude of their fans whether it is wrong.
All over the world, the celebrity is recognised based on the volume of fans he has been able to gather. From music to sports to movies, fans are the reasons why most celebrities still earn some relevance in their respective industries. However, there could be potential reasons why celebrities may choose to still support their aggressive fans.
Most celebrities support their aggressive fans because they see it as a way of connecting to influential people who may need their fan base to carry out a task for them in the future. A typical example is the electioneering period. When a celebrity approves of a political figure who has the interest to run for a public office, the aggressive fans becomes a rallying point for the campaign period. Individuals who are willing to go above and beyond to render support during such a time will be needed. As such, it becomes difficult to work or speak against the attitude of an aggressive fan.
Celebrities often see aggressive fan ls as diehard followers and would go all out to appreciate their support. Let me put it straight here that a fan base could be seen as a religion or culture that has evolved. The celebrities sees it as a commitment. Whether they are aggressive or not, fans are seen as the followers of the celebrities and the celebrities are seen as gods.
We all know that aggressiveness is not the best way to solve a problem. But one thing that we know is that celebrities are usually under pressure never to revoke or rebuke their aggressive supporters majorly because of the backlash that may come as a result. You will see clearly that even there is a show of calumny between the fan base of one celebrity with another, the celebrities usually keep mum about the trans-border fight per exchange of word between their fan base. The crew management usually made the celebrity to put an "I don't care attitude".
Public Image
The celebrities may want to keep a positive image with the fans and as such will do all to keep them and to earn their trust. Overtime, the fans and the celebrity becomes a family and would always stay in support of each other. In the eyes of the public, they may be aggressive fans but before the celebrity, they are just been supportive.
In this part of the world, the attention n and love that the celebrity receives from.thw fans is unbecoming. In some clime, it is a war to finish.
If you take a cursory look at the unfolding events of fan to fan clash and aggression, you will see that the need to increase the population of the tan base, it can only be seen support for the central body irrespective of the method which is exhibited by the fans.
Today, all this of fans and celebrities has become a total madness, and the way I see it has gone out of control. The influencers promote stupidity and anti-values, and a large mass follows them. Total dementia.
The madness is underrated in most cases. One would sometimes hear the fans say so dirty things just to defend their celebs. It is that bad.
A lot is actually involved when it comes to celebrity and fans relationships. But one thing is certain that there nothing as celebrity if there is no fan. Fans make them celebrity. If not they are just normal humans like everyone else
Thisnis why they go all out to been in good relationship and to support them no matter what.
Like you stated, a celebrity is nothing without the fans.
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