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RE: [EN/PT] What is Your Purpose In Life

in Hive Learners5 months ago

May I ask why you think that:-

We all have a purpose on earth

Where does this notion come from? Is it so difficult for humans to accept they have no greater purpose and are simply the result of a random chemical reaction, billions of years ago?

Thoughtful post and best wishes :-)

 5 months ago  

For me, a man without purpose is a man without a soul. I think our lives are more than just complex chemical reactions. A man without a purpose is better off never having existed, so everyone has to have a purpose regardless of what their purpose is. That's why there are spiritual illnesses like depression, when someone has lost their purpose in life, trying to live in a past that has passed and can't move forward.

My purpose is rooted in loving and helping others!

Thanks for stopping by!