Hi, I'm Avatar - Nayriti. We are all in one way or another Avatars of our thoughts, of our experiences, of the theatrical masks we wear in everyday life. I decided to participate in the program to improve my account on the Hive platform, so that I can have more visibility to let you know my view on things.
shared with me about the program, I liked the idea and so I'm participating.
I don't have a hobby as a hobby, I have a lifestyle. Many will like what will be written in my posts, others won't and some will even pass them by.
For the chronicles, I am Bulgarian. If you want to know more about me you can check out my post on presentation.
In my process of self-discovery, I stopped eating meat and dairy. I was given the opportunity to be on a solar diet, which completely changed my body structure, energy flow and mindset.
My goal for joining the program is to find more like-minded people who are connected to nature, animals, and self-improvement.
The topics of my posts are strange but intriguing. I enjoy writing about spiritual development, dreams, nature-based living and the energies that surround us inside and outside of ourselves.
One thing I want to assure you because I am sure as you read my posts you will feel the surge of positive energy.
The Principle of Chance to kick in and connect the right people with my posts.
All obstacles and hindrances.
Здравейте, аз съм Аватар - Nayriti. Всички по един или друг начин сме Аватари на своите мисли, на своите преживявания, на театралните маски които носим в ежедневието. Реших да участвам в програмата за да подобря акаунта си в платформата на Hive, за да може да има по-голяма видимост за да ви запозная с моето виждане за нещата.
сподели с мен за програмата, хареса ми идеята и и затова се включвам.
Нямам хоби като хоби, имам начин на живот. На много ще се хареса това което ще се пише в моите постове, на други няма, а трети дори ще ги подминат.
За хрониките, аз съм българка. Ако искате да научите повече за мен можете да разгледате публикацията ми за представяне.
В процеса си на себеопознание спрях да ям месо и млечни продукти. Беше ми дадена възможността да бъда на слънчево хранене, което промени изцяло структурата на тялото ми, потока на енергия и начина ми на мислене.
Моята цел за включването ми в програмата е да намеря повече мои съмишленици, хора които са свързани с природата, животните и самоусъвършенстването си.
Темите на публикациите ми са странни, но интригуващи. Харесва ми да пиша за духовното развитие, сънищата, за природосъобразен начин на живот и енергиите, които ни заобикалят вътре и извън нас.
Едно единствено нещо искам да ви уверя защото съм сигурна, докато четете моите постове вие ще усещате прилива на положителната енергия.
Принципа на случайността да се задейства и да свърже точните хора с моите публикации.
Всички пречки и препятствия.
Come on, support my new endeavor. @atma.love 🙏
(1/3) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@disi
You re-tire it.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)@nayriti, I sent you an on behalf of @disi
(8/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@milabogomila
(5/5) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@viviyan
(2/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@mushanov
(7/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@projectmamabg
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@projectmamabg you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 4 times per day.
You need to stack more BBH (Each 1000 BBH in your wallet allows you to send 1 BBH per day)
Hello @nayriti,
Welcome to the Hive Learners Community and thank you for making this beautiful post. i am happy to see that you are participating in the Newbies Initiative, you are definitely on the right track.
But we can see that you are yet to be verified in our commmunity and we suggest you get to it as soon as possible.
The guidelines to the verification process can be found in this post:
Also, you can join our Discord server by clicking the link below:
Please, compliance with these instructions will ensure you get verified and your posts get recognized in the community.
Thank you very much once again, and I look forward to your earliest cooperation.
(3/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@hivebg
A synonym roll.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)@nayriti, I sent you an on behalf of @hivebg
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
hivebg tipped nayriti (x1)
venan tipped nayriti (x1) @cryptoplanetbg tipped @nayriti (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
(2/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@venan
Lots of gigglebytes!
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/6)@nayriti, I sent you an on behalf of @venan
(1/10) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@snedeva
We noticed you may have not verified your account in the Hive Learners Discord Server and this verification is important before you can be accepted to be part of the initiative. You have a 2 days deadline to complete your verification hence your application would be rejected.
Kindly follow the procedures on making an application to the initiative. You can find the post pinned in the Hive Learners Community.
For more info about tipping AFIT tokens, check out this link
(5/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
Tap to help.
A penguin with a sunburn.
Credit: captaincryptic
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (5/6)@nayriti, I sent you an on behalf of @cryptoplanetbg