I admire your work and dedication, with Hive I complement my salary, and sometimes I have been able to give myself small luxuries, I learn about cryptocurrencies and exchange ideas with other people from other countries.
I have noticed the evolution of many Hivers in their content, which implies an effort on their part, a comment or a suggestion helps them a lot to progress and improve within Hive. Of course, there are people who do not notice the effort to improve, in that case I do not even read them after three or four visits to their Blogs. A big greeting from Venezuela.
Hmm!! This is huge, of a truth, if one gives dedication to hive, the person would never regret ever coming on board, The benefits are enormous, however, there are a price to pay.
Anybody who is not willing to adjust after a few corrections it not serious, there is no need to keep visiting, so by that I think you are fair enough.
Thank you so much for the visit 🙏🙏🥰