Assalamualaikum, Hello friend how are you?Hope all of great i am also great by the grace of almighty Allah.
Today i will introduce with this Beauty of creativity community. Actually i like this community Rules and Regulations for that i am agreed to work with this community.
So friends let me introduce:
Name:Emdad Hossain(Nevlu)
More About me
I am #nevlu123 From Bangladesh and i live in feni district,my profession is teaching computer, i have a Computer training center where i am spend my time beside steemit work.I am also an architect and i also teach 2D 3D work in my center.
My family :
There are five members in my family.
- Father
- Mother
- One Sister and
- Two Brother
I am the first son of my parents then my brother after then my sister.We are happy family.
My father is an Foreigner and my mother is housewife, one of my brother is teachers of a Cochin center he teach #ICT subject also teach how to make Android app,My sister got married few years ago.
I also got married two month ago 7-6-2021 and now we are six members in our family, we are happy to live together.

My Wife

My hobby :
I am a travel lover and it's my hobby,i like to visit any country, i have already visit some country like OMAN,DUBAI,INDIA,KATAR and next target is USA/SINGGAPUR.
Also another hobby is mine doing photography, in the photography sector there have lot of subjects in those subjects i love to do Macrophotography and landscape photography.
No more today i hope this details is enough for explain about me or who i am,so friends advance thanks who visit my post.
Best Regards @nevlu123 And Special Thanks to All Friends who are supporting this Post.
My Wife
welcome to the beauty of creativity