Newbies Initiative
Hello, it's that time of year again when the Newbies Initiative's new cycle starts. This time, the criteria have been slightly lifted so that we may concentrate on the truly inexperienced users who require direction and instruction in order to fully understand the potential of the platform.
Out of the 44 hopeful Hivians that submitted applications, 25 were selected and meet the criteria to participate in this program.
We request that users who have been approved indicate in the comments if they require a Spanish translation beneath the first comment that will be prepared by us.
You can greet them!

Iniciativa de Novatos
Hola, ya es esa época del año en la que comienza el nuevo ciclo de la Iniciativa Newbies. Esta vez, los criterios se han elevado ligeramente para que podamos concentrarnos en los usuarios realmente inexpertos que necesitan dirección e instrucción para comprender plenamente el potencial de la plataforma.
De los 44 esperanzados hivianos que presentaron solicitudes, 25 fueron seleccionados y cumplen los criterios para participar en este programa.
Solicitamos que los usuarios que han sido aprobados indiquen en los comentarios si requieren una traducción al español debajo del primer comentario que será preparado por nosotros.
¡Puedes saludarlos!

As previously stated, the 25 chosen Hivians will be divided into three teams, each of which will be led by a Team Leader.
Como ya se ha dicho, los 25 hivianos elegidos se dividirán en tres equipos, cada uno de los cuales estará dirigido por un jefe de equipo.
Team One / Equipo Uno | Team Two / Equipo Dos | Team Three / Equipo Tres |
@floraada | @rafatrony | @kingsleyy |
@justfavour | @mojitee07 | @geelocks |
@isaacngore | @alidickson | @treasure-joshua |
@theycallmewell | @mercysugar | @mosesessien |
@depressedfuckup | @dimmablogs | @patakwashj |
@desiredlady | @glorydee | @sommylove |
@huzaifanaveed | @event-horizon | @moremoney28 |
@seunny | @joyman | @tomiajax |
@ajumaa |

The Team Leaders' (TL) responsibility will be to support, encourage, and carefully watch over each team member's growth.
Meet the Team Leaders
La responsabilidad de los Líderes de Equipo (TL) será apoyar, alentar y vigilar cuidadosamente el crecimiento de cada miembro del equipo.
Conocer a los Líderes de Equipo


Congratulations to those accepted into the program!
What do you need to do now?
Contact @projectmamabg on Discord (projectmamabg#3575) to get your badge. It will be required for the first assignment's cover photo.
You're going to have a lot of fun with the team, so charge up with positive energy.
¡Felicidades a los aceptados en el programa!
¿Qué tienes que hacer ahora?
Ponte en contacto con @projectmamabg en Discord (projectmamabg#3575) para conseguir tu insignia. Será necesaria para la foto de portada de la primera tarea.
Te vas a divertir mucho con el equipo, así que cárgate de energía positiva.

- The program will last for 7 weeks and will include challenging activities, fun events, and a celebration that ends with a presentation of awards.
- Beginning on October 13th, the Topic for the Week will be revealed on Thursdays, and supporting materials will be provided in the announcement post.
- Every Newbie is required to read the materials in advance and show up prepared to the Saturday meetings on Smile Discord Server for additional explanations and clarifications. The meetings start at 7pm WAT (8pm Nigerian Time).
- The task assignment will be made public the following day (Sunday).
- The due date for assignments will be Friday of that same week.
- On Wednesday of the following week, Team Leaders are required to publish a post with a review and evaluation of the tasks that have been turned in.
Actividades del programa
- El programa tendrá una duración de 7 semanas e incluirá actividades desafiantes, eventos divertidos y una celebración que termina con la entrega de premios.
- A partir del 13 de octubre, el tema de la semana se revelará los jueves, y los materiales de apoyo se proporcionarán en el post de anuncio.
- Todos los novatos deben leer los materiales con antelación y acudir preparados a las reuniones de los sábados en el servidor Discord de Smile para recibir explicaciones y aclaraciones adicionales. Las reuniones comienzan a las 7pm WAT (8pm hora nigeriana).
- La asignación de tareas se hará pública al día siguiente (domingo).
- La fecha de entrega de las tareas será el viernes de esa misma semana.
- El miércoles de la semana siguiente, los jefes de equipo deberán publicar un post con la revisión y evaluación de las tareas entregadas.
WEEK 1 | Layout your Hive goals | @starstrings01 | October 13th | October 15th | October 16th | October 21st | October 26th |
WEEK 2 | Hive Guidelines, Markdowns and Use of Tags | @samostically | October 20th | October 22nd | October 23rd | October 28th | November 2nd |
WEEK 3 | Hive Keys and Security | @samostically | October 27th | October 29th | October 30th | November 4th | November 9th |
WEEK 4 | Ecency, PeakD & 3speak, Liketu, Leo Tutor | @projectmamabg | November 3rd | November 5th | November 6th | November 11th | November 16th |
WEEK 5 | Tribe tokens, tipping tokens, Mining Tokens & How to use Hive Engine | @ksam | November 10th | November 12th | November 13th | November 18th | November 23rd |
WEEK 6 | Blockchain Games - Rising Star | @ksam | November 17th | November 19th | November 20th | November 25th | November 30th |
WEEK 7 | Feedbacks & Recount of Hive Goals | @starstrings01 | November 27th | December 2nd |
Final Assessment and Award - December 7th
Evaluación final y adjudicación - 7 de diciembre

SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.High-quality newbies posts on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the
High-quality newbies post published in the Hive Learners Community would be selected for curation.
Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #help-chat in the "ALIENTO" category.
You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.
Finally, by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers, Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve. They will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.
SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.Las publicaciones de alta calidad de los novatos en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el
Los posts de alta calidad de los novatos publicados en la Hive Learners Community serán seleccionados para su curación.
Los novatos pueden preguntarnos cualquier cosa que quieran saber sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER bajo el #help-chat en la categoría "ALIENTO".
Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.
Por último, al completar las tareas, comentar, publicar, votar y hacer transferencias, los novatos superarán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive. Estarán preparados para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.

Final Words
We are thankful for this opportunity to help Newbies once again. It's always a pleasure to help new Hive users. Besides the people we already mentioned here, we want to thank @theycallmedan and the @aliento team.
Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers
Palabras Finales
Estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad de ayudar a los novatos una vez más. Siempre es un placer ayudar a los nuevos usuarios de Hive. Además de las personas que ya mencionamos aquí, queremos agradecer a @theycallmedan y al equipo de @aliento.
Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y Hive Learners

To accepted team members, Kindly comment your discord username and tag i.e. Username#1023..
Kindly visit the Smile Discord Channel in the noob-chat channel, past in the link to your comment and what team you are in. This would make us give you a role on the server according to your teams.
Para los miembros del equipo aceptados, por favor, comenten su nombre de usuario y etiqueta de discord, por ejemplo, Username#1023..
Por favor, visiten el canal de Discord de Smile en el canal de chat de los noobs, pasen el enlace de su comentario y en qué equipo están. Esto hará que te demos un rol en el servidor de acuerdo a tus equipos.
It's an honor, truly. I'm very excited for the coming challenges. Congrats to all the newbies selected too. I look forward to knowing you all.
My discord username is TreasureJoshua#4486
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @mypathtofire ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Thank you for selecting me🤲😳and congratulation to everyone that got selected.
My discord username is Mercysugar#3469
Hello @mercysugar kindly send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
Just seeing,I will do that now.
Alright then, have a blessed day
Wow! I’m glad I made I got selected.
I’m thankful for the opportunity you have given me to strengthen my skills and know more about this blockchain.
My discord username is justfavour#9700I am in @nkemakonam89 team.
Mr Chef 😂, you are in my team...hmmm
Ensure to cook yummy 😋 delicacies for our team members 😂👍
Congratulations 🎉👏👏
Yaayy! Thank you for the opportunity... I'm glad to be amongst the selected authors for the program and I'll do well to give it my best.
My discord username is dimma#7413 and my team leader is @vickoly 😊.
Congratulations to you sister, you are really lucky to have @vickoly as your team leader, I'm sure you are going to have a smooth ride, hehe. Sending you much love 😘.
Awwn thanks sis 🥰... I hope I will 😊.
Big love to you ❤️.
You're always welcome dear ❤️.
We are in the same team dimma😁. Looking forward to us crushing this initiative together with the others😊😂.
Haha, yes we are and of course we're gonna crush this! 😂💪🤩
Hello @dimmablogs kindly send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
Okay I will
Alright dear.
Oh wow, congratulations to all who made it to the teams, I look forward to impacting positively on my awesome team members. Guys, it's either we learn or learn, hehehe, so let's make the most of our time, shall we?
@kingsleyy @geelocks @treasure-joshua @mosesessien @patakwashj @sommylove @moremoney2 @tomijax it's a call to duty, lolz.
Please feel free to ask questions if you have any, no one will shout at you 😊 and as some of you know, my name is Hope and you are free to call me just that, I'd really appreciate it 🙏.
Thank you so much for explaining everything in detail sir, it's very much appreciated 🙏👌.
I look forward to learning and getting to know you.
Me too Josh 😊.
you're in good hands @treasure-joshua. I trust @hopestylist . Hey man, did you know she can sing?
Hehehe, see hype man naw 🤩. Thank you so much for your sweet words 🤭.
Team leader, thank you!
We gather dey🤸
I like the sound of that, I will leave a message for you on discord.
The message that I've been waiting for since morning. I'm yet to see😁
I haven't seen you on the discord channel, please go to the #noob chat on the smile discord and introduce yourself 🥰.
Alright ma'am 🙌
Yes Kingsley 😊
Wow 😲😳 This is really amazing and Beautiful ❤️ My own Big Aunty and Coach in this wonderful platform now my Teacher.
Aunty ope you have been an amazing soul from day One and am really happy to be your student.
God Bless us All in This Wonderful Journey 🙏
Awwn, I was surprised and excited seeing that you were going to be working with me. I hope we get the best out of ourselves henceforth 🥰🤭🤩.
I hope for The Best Too Dear 🙏🙏💃🏼
Thank you so much dear ❤️.
You are welcome 🤗🤗
Smiles ❤️
Thank you team lead, we are ready to learn a lot from you.
I love this, we should make it our watchword
I'm sure you are sweetie, don't hesitate to ask and contribute to the team 😊.
Hmm, it's not bad at all, let's see how it goes 😁🤭.
Many are called, few are chosen. I am glad to be among those chosen and also extra glad to be in your team.
Yes Ajax, congratulations to you. I'm also happy to have on my team too, let's grow together 🥰.
Hello @rafatrony @alidickson @dimmablogs @mojtee07 @mercysugar @joyman @event-horizon and @glorydee It's a pleasure to have each of you on my team. I'll advise that, in order to understand as much as we can about the blockchain and the advantages it offers, we devote our best efforts to this initiative.
Please take the necessary action and read this post through once more.
Also make sure to message projectmamabj#3575 on Discord to get your badge, it's highly essential for the upcoming tasks.
You can as well send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
Thanks so much my leader. I am fully prepared to make good use of this wonderful learning opportunity on the block chain. I have received my badge and fully set for the next assignment. Many thanks sir.
My discord username is mosesetukudo#6534Wow this is great, I have be waiting for this for so long and thank God I have finally been selected. I am in team @hopestylist you are my leader .
That's great congratulations on your selection and good luck, kindly comment your discord username below.
It's a good thing your wait is finally over friend. I'm honored to have you in my team, I hope to be the best team leader and I hope to get your full cooperation 🙏🤗.
Wow, thank you so much for the acceptance.
My discord username is Glorydee#1298
Congratulations 🎉👏 my dear
I hope for a smooth learning journey here👍
Thank you ma'am
Hello @glorydee kindly send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
I have been looking forward to this great news from this program. Congratulations to all the tutors. I will also follow the lecture to add to my knowledge.
Kudos to the initiators
Smiles... Babe, I sight you 😂👍
Meanwhile, let's talk in WhatsApp..
Ok dear
Wow...I am so happy to be among the selected candidates for this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow on the Hive community. Thank you so much to the Newbies Initiative team for this privilege. I am so very grateful.
Thanks for the great initiative.@vickoly hello.I'm in your team. 😊
So glad i got selected all thanks to @vickoly i will always appreciate you brother 🥰. My discord server name is Moremoney#9409
Congratulations bro.
All thanks to the organizers, I did nothing.
I wish you all the best during the course of the program.
Congratulations to you @moremoney28, I see I'm lucky to have you as a team member, let's make our team proud, hehehe.
I'm happy to be on your team i believe we move well
That's really good to hear, I'm sure we will 😊.
My discord username is patakwashj#9997Thank you for selecting me and I belong to team @hopestylist.
Oh wow! How amazing to have you on my team, I hope to see you get better and make our team proud, all the best dear.
Thanks team leader and with your help, I hope the team will make you proud
You're welcome dear, I'm sure we all will make each other proud ❤️.
It's really sad I wasn't selected, this is a very helpful initiative and I was hoping I would be part of the selected ones.
Congratulations to the selected ones, I wish you guys all the best and hopefully I'll get to participate in the next one!
You can re-apply when the next application is open... it could be that you were not verified the moment the application was reviewed.
Congratulations to all the applicants that we chosen. Today I’ve not been chosen but I hope by the next time I will be eligible and I hope I will be chosen as I want to learn a lot about hive.
Wow, this is great am so excited, learning new things is something that gives me joy and to be selected for this initiative am glad. To all the officials and team lead thank you for choosing me. My team lead @nkemakonam89, My discord User name is floraada#2931.
Florida 😂😂👍
Congratulations 👏🎉
Thank you so much
Oops! Thanks for selecting me, I really appreciate. My discord username; Joyman#0425
My team leader is @vickoly
Hello @joyman kindly send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
My discord user name is seuny#1779Thanks for selecting me, I am glad to be given this opportunity, I am in Team One and mine team leader is @nkemakonam89.
Congratulations my friend 👍
Good luck in this learning phase ❤️
Thanks, you are a darling, amen
Really excited to work under the guidance of @nkemakonam89
My discord id is: huzaifa naveed#3023
Congratulations 🎉👏👍
Thank you for selecting me as part of the newbies for this round. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about Hive under the guidance of my team leader, nkemakonam89. I look forward to my first lesson.
My discord is Zology#7678
Hey friend, congratulations 👏🎉
I hope that you will have fun while learning at same time 👍😊
Thanks nkem
Wow! I am so happy for the privilege to learn and also increase my engagement game. I hope to have an unforgettable experience.
I'm in team 1 headed by @nkemakonam89😊
My username on discord is isaacngore#6667
Congratulations other selected @members.
Congratulations 👏🎉
And good luck in this learning phase 👍
Thank you so much ma🙏🏻
Congratulations @newbies-hive! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):
Your next target is to reach 3750 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 900 replies.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
This is awesome. I must commend the organisers of this and I have been looked forward to this in order to learn for my self development because I never had such privileged.
I hope to follow the class and enjoy the best it offers.
I love your zeal
Follow and learn more 👍
Many thanks for this opportunity 🙌🙌.
My discord username is firstkings#8485
I'm under TL @hopestylist
It's an honor to be working with you, congratulations on being selected. I hope to see you being more active 🥰.
Am Thankful To God Almighty for This Selection Wishing us All the very Best 🙏
My discord username and tag is sommy#9313
Congratulations sis 🥰
Thanks Aunty 🌹🥰🙏
Wow! Congratulations to the selected candidates. I will have to wait for the next recruitment since I wasn't opportune to apply due to the fact that I'm just joining the community. I wish the selected Hivians good luck!!
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborlaand and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕😊
I have been trying to calm myself but I really couldn't, I can't believe am part of the newbie initiative. Am so thankful for this opportunity, congratulations to everyone that was selected.
Discord username: geelocks#1389
Congratulations to you
Welcome onboard
Thank you @ksam, am happy to be here
Awwn, congratulations to you dear, I'm honored to have you on my team, I look forward to rendering my best assistance 😊.
Thank you Teamlead, looking forward to working with you
It's my pleasure dear 🙏🥰.
Wow! Looking forward to roll with you all.
My Discord: event-horizon#5635
My discord username is mojtee07#5853Thanks for selecting me and congratulations to those that got selected. I am in @vickoly team.
Hello @mojtee07 kindly send me a message on Discord vickoly#0431
Excited for this new journey! Thank you for choosing me.
My discord username is Ajuma#0326
Welcome everybody!
Thank you for selecting me, I am in @nkemakonam89 team. my discord username is desiredlady#0097
Congratulations babe 🎉👏
This looks like a really fabulous initiative by this group; way to go to all involved!
Hello @floraada , @ajumaa , @desiredlady and @isaacngore , please read this post again and do the needful via discord.
Other team 1 members waiting for you guys 👍🥰👏
Lovely Sunday to you all 😍
Please help me out, I don't know how to go about it in order to get my badge
Chat me up in discord...you can message me through hive learners discord server
I want to learn too, am really interested
I registered but didn't find my name
Hello starstring, is there anything I did wrong? because I also applied for the initiative program
The initiative only accepted people that have gotten their account verified on Hive Learners but from the looks of it, you haven't verified your hive account yet.
I have gone through the process required on the discord, but still I was not verified, I even messaged you as well.
Try to message again in the channel... also I am in your DM..
@isaacngore can you chat me up in discord please?
Okay ma I will do that Asap
Newbies live meeting is ongoing, see if you can join in
Just seeing this now
Can I still join?
I want to learn more, am interested in this project
Congratulations 🎉👏
I wish you good luck in this learning phase 👍❤️
Smiles...it's all good 👍
We hope for the Best outcome..
Take care my friend 😂