in Hive Learners2 years ago
Authored by @nkemakonam89




Newbies Initiative

It's been seven weeks of instructions with this set of newbies, and it has been interesting.

The purpose of the initiative remains to ensure a proper understanding of Hive Ecosystem by the newbies and to achieve this, various themes were covered, which were both fun and challenging each week.

To wrap up the program and determine how much the initiative has benefited newcomers who actively participate in it, Task 7 was born, thus becoming the final task.


Iniciativa de Novatos

Han sido siete semanas de instrucciones con este grupo de novatos, y ha sido interesante.

El propósito de la iniciativa sigue siendo garantizar una comprensión adecuada del Ecosistema Colmena por parte de los novatos y, para lograrlo, se trataron diversos temas, que resultaron divertidos y desafiantes cada semana.

Para cerrar el programa y determinar en qué medida la iniciativa ha beneficiado a los novatos que participan activamente en ella, surgió la Tarea 7, que se convierte así en la tarea final.



  • What do you think of the Newbies Initiative, and how has it helped your Hive journey?

  • How have the tasks given been helpful?

  • What aspects of the Initiative do you believe we could enhance, and how?

  • What value do you think you can offer to the initiative?

  • Remember the Newbies Initiative Task 1 where you were asked to set down your goals. Show us a recount of your goals and how far you have come through.

PS: we observed that most of the newbies only applied markdowns during the task but didn't apply it in their subsequent posts. For this task,we encourage all newbies to review the markdown task and tutorials to ensure that they fully understand how to use markdowns and always apply it while making posts. We anticipate that your task 7 entries will be well-structured and visually appealing.


  • ¿Qué opinas de la Iniciativa para Novatos y cómo te ha ayudado en tu andadura en la Colmena?

  • ¿Cómo te han ayudado las tareas asignadas?

  • ¿Qué aspectos de la Iniciativa crees que podríamos mejorar, y cómo?

  • ¿Qué valor cree que puede aportar a la iniciativa?

  • Recuerda la Iniciativa para Novatos Tarea 1 en la que se te pidió que establecieras tus objetivos. Muéstranos un recuento de tus objetivos y hasta dónde has llegado.

PD: hemos observado que la mayoría de los novatos sólo aplicaron rebajas durante la tarea, pero no las aplicaron en sus posts posteriores. Para esta tarea, animamos a todos los novatos a que revisen la tarea y los tutoriales sobre las reducciones para asegurarse de que entienden perfectamente cómo utilizarlas y aplicarlas siempre al escribir. Esperamos que sus entradas de la tarea 7 estén bien estructuradas y sean visualmente atractivas.


Below are the members of the initiative and their various teams. Follow the following instructions for your task.

  • Make your thumbnail an Original photo, and try out designing a thumbnail for your post using Canva.

  • Your post should not be less than 500 words.

  • Answer all questions...

  • Use the tag "#nbtask7 as one of your first 5 tags.

  • Share your entry as a link to this post and tag your team leader.

  • Share your entry on Leothreads and use the tags #nbtask7 and #newbieshive.

  • Engage on posts and threads of other authors.

  • The title of your first task should have "Newbies Task 7" accompanied by any other title you want to add to it.

Note: The deadline for this task is May 27th.

A continuación figuran los miembros de la iniciativa y sus distintos equipos. Sigue las siguientes instrucciones para tu tarea.

  • Haz que tu miniatura sea una foto original y prueba a diseñar una miniatura para tu entrada con Canva.

  • Tu post no debe tener menos de 500 palabras.

  • Responde a todas las preguntas...

  • Utiliza la etiqueta "#nbtask7 como una de tus 5 primeras etiquetas.

  • Comparte tu entrada con un enlace a esta publicación y etiqueta a tu jefe de equipo.

  • Comparte tu entrada en Leothreads y usa las etiquetas #nbtask7 y #newbieshive.

  • Participa en publicaciones e hilos de otros autores.

  • El título de tu primera tarea debe tener "Newbies Task 7" acompañado de cualquier otro título que quieras añadirle.

Nota: La fecha límite para esta tarea es el 27 de mayo.




  • SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.High-quality newbies posts on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the

  • High-quality newbies post published in the Hive Learners Community would be selected for curation.

  • Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #noob-chat in the "N.I-INITIATIVE" category.

  • You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.

  • Finally, by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers, Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve. They will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.


  • SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.Las publicaciones de alta calidad de los novatos en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el

  • Los posts de alta calidad de los novatos publicados en la Hive Learners Community serán seleccionados para su curación.

  • Los novatos pueden preguntarnos lo que quieran sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER en el #noob-chat de la categoría "N.I-INITIATIVE".

  • Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.

  • Por último, al completar las tareas, comentar, publicar, votar y hacer transferencias, los novatos superarán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive. Estarán preparados para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.


Final Words

We are thankful for this opportunity to help Newbies once again. It's always a pleasure to help new Hive users. Besides the people we already mentioned here, we want to thank @theycallmedan and the @aliento team.

Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers

Palabras Finales

Estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad de ayudar a los novatos una vez más. Siempre es un placer ayudar a los nuevos usuarios de Hive. Además de las personas que ya mencionamos aquí, queremos agradecer a @theycallmedan y al equipo de @aliento.

Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y Hive Learners




@ Aliento Project by @ eddiespino and @ grisvisa.

Click the banner to get redirect to Hive Learners Community

Click the banner to get redirect to SMILE server, or:


Translation made with the help of

 2 years ago  

It’s been an educative few weeks on this program

 2 years ago  

Gracias por las clases

 2 years ago  

I loved the classes, and although I could not participate in some of them because I am in my final year of university (thesis) I loved seeing the work of my classmates, I have learned a lot every day about the hive ecosystem and I am still excited to learn more about blockchain, hive and its long-term scope.

 2 years ago  

Time have flown fast. It seems like the initiative only started yesterday but now, its going to be at its end. Kudos to all the participants that made it until this point.

Hello everyone. It's been a pleasure to be with you on this educational journey.

Here is my post:

Here is the link to LeoThreads:


 2 years ago  

Hello everyone, it’s been a great pleasure to have been part of the hive learners newbies initiative.

Below is a link to my final task and leo thread link.

Task 7:

Leo thread:

 2 years ago (edited) 

Here’s my entry



@moremoney28 group leader

I read this todo late...
Is Nice community to learn more about the blockchain. And how use it

 2 years ago  

Of cause it is, its awesome when guided adequately