Um.... and then I needed you :)
I can't seem to log in to Dreemport again but signed up on the fly so it could be me. (It's probably me botting)
I did save my details like a clever me. But they're not working
I'm just checking I"m on the right site as this one has staging in url - have a followed and old link or am I to post on this one for @snook's prompt today please?
I suspect the username I'm trying to sign in with is wrong. Probably the punctuation. Maybe full stops maybe dashes or something.
A "are you a bot that forgot your username" link to get a reminder from the site would be awesome to add... should I just register again? I don't want to miss today and want to start pulling medium stuff etc over here now.
uhmmm.... I think most @Dreemport peeps are sleeping right now. @penderis might be sleeping too... Can you click the link for Discord and ask in the Discord server if anyone can help at this time of night..
Copy that!
I can wait :) It's a bright sunny morning here and I assumed different time zone. 👍
I thought of Discord. Will do if I can't get in.
See it's correct link so will try to figure out from there. If not I'll create a new acc (worse case scenario and support can delete the old when one they have time)
Tnx Snook :)
Yes, that is the correct link to Dreemport
There is a password reset which uses the email you joined with, did this not work? Usernames are case-sensitive. I will tag you in discord and we can get it sorted.
Thanks. I have the correct email and password but reckon I have my username wrong. Probably a dash or Cap yeah. I'll be back! Just resting a l'il bit for the next leg. 🙏
On second thought after not finding you in discord :P here is the invite link then I will give you your username correct spelling and we can confirm the email to reset password. Just tag pen
I finally did the laundry and it was a whole day mission...
Just found this so thank you for that. I'll do that tomorrow... catching up on some rest here. I just realised I haven't had a break in almost four weeks today. NOt one day off! Ah... and then I had a long nap!
Brb :)
Also. It finally dawned on me in full/lightbulb went off - the Dreemport concept.
I cant' wait to get in there and start using it!
ROFLLLLLLLL love that you needed me. i like being needed hehe
ok - i answered below - so i think you're golden - but if not - come find me in discord! pen is sleeping, but i'm awake ;)
we are on opposite sides of the world hahaha (he - SA, me - CA)
COpy that. I'm also still awake. Finding you now...