in Hive Learners12 days ago

Some employers can be really annoying most times with their silly requests, and trying to invade their employee's private life as if they own everything about the person. It can be really annoying, but then, some people pay no mind to these things because of how desperate they are to get a job.


During the interview, they ask all sort of personal questions which at first, starts great, but then, i always get uncomfortable when they start digging deep into my personal details. Some employers will go as far as wanting to know the contents of a non-disclosure contract agreement you signed with your previous employers, and i'm like, damn, is this person trying to drag me to jail?

It is quite understandable that the reason why they are getting this information is basically for the purpose of getting to know their employee more better, but then, if you are an emloyer reading this, i will advice that you first ask the most vital question during the interview, then as time goes on and the employee gets comfortable with you and the job, then you can ask these questions, and they will willing give it out.

I have been in a situation where I was asked to share too many personal details about my self. I was not really comfortable all through that interview. Some employers even went further to give me a non-disclosure contract to sign, all in the name of - "not wanting to lose their nurses."

Obviously, I hated this contract because it puts the establishment first without even thinking of the employee rights or say on things. Its more like, working like a zombie that goes everywhere they are directed to go. I had no choice but to sign this contract after i thoroughly read through the contract details, and also, asked questions and got detailed explanations on the points that i did not understand.

After the first week of resuming work, i saw how badly the nurses were treated. the off days are barely enough and nothing was being done about it, just mummurs flying around here and there because of the contract that binded everyone. lol, nobody wants to go to court.


As if thats not enough, they went further to force staffs to leave good rating on their social media page. Its like stabbing me with a spear and asking me to tell the world that its not painful but sweet. If you don't comply, then, anything you see, its your cup of tea to drink from.

No doubt, the hospital is good, and they work perfectly. true. they have good and modern equipments, but then, the way they invaded, not only my socials but that of other people, made me really worried. It felt like all of my moves were monitored which i hated. I refused to give them the ratings they requested for, and after a while, i left the job.

The truth of the matter is that, if i go for an interview and they request for my socials, I will leave the job without a second thought or a trace of regret. We have right to privacy. Employers should know this better.

All image belongs me.

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Yeah you are right.
Work place is always a difficult place if there are employers like that.
But we have to manage for the sake of our living.

 11 days ago  

Yes, we have to.
Thank you for stopping by

 12 days ago  

A lot of things happen as you told during the interview, most of them ask things that are quite deep in our personality, even though they shouldn't be asking.

 12 days ago  

i guess they have their reasons, but they should prolly limit themselves from asking too much

 12 days ago  

Forcing you guys to give them good ratings has to be the height of their evil.
Like, if you want food ratings so badly, why not do good. It's as simple as that.
It's good U left, I hope you got a place that would appreciate the work you put in to saving lives.

 11 days ago  

liiikkkee, i could not endure that one at all.

I am happy that i left

 12 days ago  

Employers ask these questions to enable them get to know their employees better, at least to a point..

 11 days ago  

yes, its a good thing to ask to get to know their employees better.

Thank you for stopping by

 11 days ago  

Everyone sure has a right to how they want their social media lives to be treated, I respect yours and I believe the hospital should'nt be so harsh on you nurses as well.

 11 days ago  

I hope the hospital changes that.

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