in Hive Learners2 days ago (edited)

  Looking back to when our ancestors use plantain leaf and animal unrefined animal skin to cover themselves, we, have gone far to ensure that we take a huge leap towards evolution. Ine major aid in our evolution is technology, the technological advancement and break through achieved is mind blowing, paving path for future achievements.

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  From a time when burning sticks and camp fire were the major source of light during night time, we have gotten to a time where light bulbs, fans, television and other home aplliances are seen as norms in our day to day life. I wonder how humans that existed before the discovery of fire, manage to survive the night. v

  Maybe they go to sleep like chickens do. When its sunset, they begin to retire to their cave. I'm thinking, they prolly had night vision or something. Or maybe the moon helped them to see at night. Welp, thank goodness i did not exist in those times.

  Currently, though there are a lot of mind blowing inventioins out there, i do not think our technological advancement has reached its peak because there are lots of things that needs to be explained, and also invented as well. There are lots of places to explore, lots of elements to discover, and many other things that we don't yet know of. However, what I will say is that; we are just at the first step of our advancement, hence, i will replace the word - breakthrough, with beginning.

  We try, there are lots of things that i can't even imagine how and where the creators got the inspiration from. But then, these things exists. I see us, the human race, going further in terms of technology.

  With a new generation comes a great mind for technology. Elon Musk is curretly doing wonders in this space. Making robots, electric cars and many more that we don't even know of yet. Quite impressive.

  In the future, by the year 2050, i see a lot of technological advancement. Inarguably, it took quite a lot of time to get to where we are today, but then, we had limited knowledge compared to what we have now. Great scientist existed, but this era is when we actually apply their theories in real life event.

  Armed and equiped with this knowledge, it will not take long for us to reach a better height. An era where we have robots real time robots able to run errands, and do house hold chores like our children do, a time when everything will be done electronically and crypto currency dominate the financial market. It will be a nice time.


  From my perspective, though the human race will gain more advancement, they will turn out to be forget the concept of actually hardwork. They will be smart, no cap, but they will be lazy - wanting a bot to carryout all tasks requiring physical strength. I do not know I will be alive to witness this era, but this is something i don't want to miss. I think it will be cool to watch.

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 2 days ago  

Hey harris u are right about the human race, But I think ai might also take place.....!

 2 days ago  

AI is definitely the future

 2 days ago  

Indeed, it will be an advanced era which one should look out for even though there will be fallouts of such era as you mentioned.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

 2 days ago  

Sure, there will be fallouts but then, the positive side will encompass the negative

 2 days ago  

It may, I hope so aswell.

 2 days ago  

Currently artificial intelligence is making a lot of people lazy, people don't need to do plenty of research to get a project done, they just ask artificial intelligence and wait for answers.

 2 days ago  

its eficiency is really amazing