Music is the only thing the soul feeds on.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. There is a mood only music can put you in, and there is a mood only music can bring you out of; thank God there are different genres of music, which simply means there is music for every mood. The truth is music blends in perfectly with your every mood. When you are feeling stressed, when you feel sad, and when you feel happy, music is always there for you. Music offers us the therapy we need. Sometimes I feel like those that go for therapy don't listen to music because if they did, there is no way they would need a therapist.


There are songs whose lyrics send chills down our spines and cause us to be emotional, but all that does not stop us from actually listening to these songs. Music can change the atmosphere; there are times when everyone in the house or room is quiet and just sitting down, but once there is music, it is not so, as you find everyone singing along while some dance to the tune and rhythm.

There are times when you are in a certain mood and listen to music; it feels like the artist is actually talking to you or was told about you, and the artist decides to put your story in a song. Music is one way to stay happy; like I said, music is a therapy and can be used to fight depression. Music helps to lighten the mood; when sad and feeling overwhelmed, you can turn to music, and before you realize it, you feel better. Sometimes, when you need to clear your head of worries, music is the best medicine, and I recommend it.

When it comes to music, I strongly doubt if I have any favorites because I listen to different genres of music. I was raised by a dad that loves reggae music, and we grew up listening to it. There is no reggae music from the likes of Bob Marley or Lucky Dube that I have not heard and cannot sing; that is how much my dad had us listen to reggae music, but eventually I grew up and met friends who feel reggae is for old men, and I had to start listening to other genres of music just to stop hearing them say it, and along the line I fell in love with other genres of music too, so now I listen to multiple genres of music, and I enjoy every bit of it.


My favorite song at the moment is Kids by Sasha Alex Sloan; the song just talks about the cycle of life and how life operates. The artist talks about how our parents took care of us while we were growing up, and as kids they had to do it because it was their responsibility, but one day our parents will become the kids, and it will be our turn to return the favor, take care of them, and make sure that all that they need is provided for them. The lyrics of this song hit me sometimes and make me emotional, but thinking about how true it actually is gives a kind of feeling no other music gives me.

 2 months ago  

Where there is music, there's life. Everywhere you go, music will always be there to spice things up. Songs that touch one's soul are the best.

 2 months ago  

You have just summarised it all, where there is music there is a kind of vibe.

Thanks for stopping by.

I love art but digital art. Computer music as well as computer painting makes me excited about the future. Studio software like FL Studio or LMMS to create real production as well as music boxes for sampling and create beats.

Music brings some form of healing and some unthinkable joy. I love to use music to lift myself when needed.

Cheers to us music lovers