My family preference.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. When we talk about human life, they say the cell is the smallest and basic unit of life, and everything that concerns life is a result of the cell functioning properly; it is the same thing when we talk about society; family is what makes up the society. The big and functional society we have today is all as a result of the small and large families that came together to make it happen; without families coming together, then the society we have today won't exist.


Everyone we see today has a family they were born into; whether they like the family they were born into or not, it does not change the fact they have a family and are related to this family and can do little or nothing to change the family they were born into. Not everyone is proud of their family; not everyone can boldly say the name of their family before others, but the truth is the society needs both the good and bad families to function properly, which is why we have a society filled with those proud of their family and those who are not proud of their family.

Growing up, I wished for a different family where financial challenges were never an issue, but now as a grown-up, I look back and come to realize that I had one of the best experiences as a child, and it is all thanks to the family I was born into. My parents gave it their all to ensure that we had the best life and lacked nothing; they loved us, showed us how much they loved us, and gave us all that we needed and did all within their power to ensure we were happy. Funny how those born into the type of family I wished for as a kid did not get to experience all of this.

Family plays a vital role in the life of every individual; how an individual might turn out to be totally depends on the type of family they were born into and the type of family they were raised in. So do I come from a large family? I really cannot say if a family of 7 is to be considered a large or small family, but that is the family I was born into, a family that comprises 5 children and two parents.

Growing up in a family with such a number of people living under the same roof, many would feel it comes with a lot of dispute, both between siblings and parents, but it is not always so. For disputes between siblings, it was normal until now that we are grown-ups and everybody is acting right, but I never for once saw my parents quarrel or act some kind of way. They always handled their issues in private because I know there is no relationship or marriage that is a smooth sail all through, as there will be differences, but they have so far kept it away from our eyes, as whenever we see them, they are both happy and smiling.


If I had a choice, would I have preferred a larger or smaller family? If I had a choice, I would have preferred a smaller family, probably a family of 4, as it will be much easier to control and handle. I know how much stress my parents undergo just to make sure that we all act right and do not go against their teachings. Even if I am to raise a family of my own, it would not go beyond 5; three kids and two parents, and we are good to go. I have been opportuned to live with a small family and a large one; I really do prefer the small one, as you get to enjoy a level of privacy living in a large family will not offer you.

 3 months ago  

Life is just meant to be and we gay no choice than to live in it.

Family is over everything. No matter the kind of family. I also had similar thoughts about finances but I realized even some whose family had the financial didn’t have what I had.

It’s all about happiness. And a happy family is everything.

 3 months ago (edited) 

You have said it all bro, family is everything.

Thanks for stopping by.