in Hive Learners3 years ago

Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a nice and stress-free weekend? It's my pleasure to once again participate in this week's contest.

Tell us about your personal growth as a person. Comparing yourself today with how you were five to ten years ago. How far have you come? What are the steps you took to ensure your growth? Someone might learn from your story.

In one way or the other, we have all taken steps to improve ourselves. The process of one developing and improving his/herself is what we call individual growth. Individual growth should be able to develop all aspects of one's life.
Comparing myself ten years ago with the present me.

Ten years ago, I was jobless, weak, dependent, lacked confidence.
Exactly ten years ago, when I completed my NYSC, I taught a job was somewhere waiting for me. Only to find myself carrying file from one office to the other. Then it was done on me that there is no job waiting anywhere. All I could find everywhere were teaching jobs merely in private schools. As a person, I dislike teaching a lot because of the fear of making mistakes. But what do I do? I had to take a bold step in order to conquer my fears. Applied in many schools, then my first employment came forth. I became a teacher in a secondary school and was doing perfectly well. Few months after, a bigger opportunity came but, I wasn't qualified because my course of study isn't educational related. They needed people with educational background. The interview was to come in 3 weeks time, but two days after I heard of the information, I took the bull By the horn, bought a post graduate diploma form in education. Went for the interview, presented awaiting PGDE and that was it. I got the job and came out from being jobless. Two years after, with dedication and commitment, I became the vice principal. This teaching job didn't just bring me out of joblessness but also boost My confidence and made me an independent woman.

The quest to develop myself into being a more successful woman made me to try different things. A time came when I felt no more comfortable with my take home. I decided to take the first risk, where I invested almost all my savings. The business crumbled. I entered into many failed businesses, still I kept on striving to be a better person. Animal husbandry was the next I tried, where I rear both goats and birds. It was very successful and smooth running but the labour was too much on me, I had no time for myself let alone family. I decided to decrease the number of animals I train and at the same time, go fully into storage of food stuff. This, I found to be very successful and profitable.


As I said before, personal growth should touch all aspects of life. I can vividly remember living in a world of imagination, imagining things that are not visible. Imagining and wishing for things to happen without putting any measures on ground on making it happen. To the extent of affecting my health. I had to advise myself and grow from imagining to facing reality. Today, I live in a world of action and reality not imagination nor wishes.

Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth is a necessity in a man's life, years ago, I follow life directly the way it comes. I accept whatever comes my way. But Now, I have grown from following life to directing my life to the Way I want it. These I did through reading spiritual books, attending bible schools, being serious with church services, making the right friends and above all, reading my Bible on daily basis. This has helped me in dealing with tough situations and stress. It has also boost My confidence and helped me in interacting with the world around me.


Life they say is in stages. If I had to calculate my growth for the past five to ten years, It is like climbing a staircase where you advance higher in each step. I have never known a better yesterday. I may have not gotten to my destination but one thing is sure, I am not redundant. Growth is a process and am making headways to reaching my destination.

 3 years ago  

The interview was to come in 3 weeks time, but two days after I heard of the information, I took the bull By the horn, bought a post graduate diploma form in education. Went for the interview, presented awaiting PGDE and that was it.

That was a bold and smart step you took.

I enjoyed reading your post, I could pick one or two lessons. Thank you for sharing with us.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading. Some times in life, we find ourselves doing those things we think are impossible

 3 years ago  

A lot to learn from your individual growth.
Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago  

You are welcome and thanks for reading

 3 years ago  

Teaching job is a very good jab and I am a home tutor and I find a government job. Day by day you improving lot and thank you very much for Sharing this awesome article

 3 years ago  

It is a good job. It really helped me in boosting courage

 3 years ago  

Exactly ten years ago, when I completed my NYSC, I taught a job was somewhere waiting for me. Only to find myself carrying file from one office to the other.

This particular factor is a cause to worry in our country
People suffer to finish school but jobs are no where to be found
Am glad you had to take a bold step to start from a scratch u think this is the best route to follow instead of depending on a self desired job we should start from any point and trust God for upliftment...
Thanks for writing this important piece 💞🙏💞

 3 years ago  

Yes oo, I had to start from small even when I don't like it but the end result was encouraging. Thanks for reading

 3 years ago  

You're welcome dear 🙏💞

Wow... this is beautiful.
You are a very courageous woman and you are not afraid of taking risks. That is why they say never mess with someone that has nothing to lose, you took risks and they paid off.
And now what used to be a thing of sadness before is now a success story.
The sky is indeed your limit, thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

A friend of mine will always say, successful people are risk takers. I also believe in the word, do what we do and you will see what we see.
Thanks for reading through my work

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading through my work