When one has good financial standing, and it is evident, it can be quite a hassle to find people that will truly love you for you, rather than for what it is that you own. You will find people pretending to admire you when, in fact, they seek to gain your favour and do their bidding.
In a country like ours, Nigeria, it has now become a top prerequisite for some certain types of individuals that their partner should have a sufficient abundance of wealth to remain in that relationship. This is quite sad, as people are not willing to go through thick and thin with their partners so as to foster a genuine bond that will hold the relationship together. Rather, they'd prefer to stick with the fair weather alone.
However, I do not imply that one must live a life of low financial standards in the hope of finding the "one" that will truly love them. On the contrary, it is important to have good financial standing as this will not only be better for one's lifestyle, but it will go a long way towards making loving the right person easy. They say, " Love is sweet, but sweeter with money."
The emphasis that has now been placed on money these days is just simply alarming. But it is what it is, this is what we met and we are just going with it.
Thank you for reading.