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RE: Fit Mind, Fit Body

in Hive Learners2 years ago

My oh my, shouldn't this be a pinned post or something? People need to be reminded of the importance of sorting their minds to properly take care of their bodies. Like you have established, the mind is the engine, and the body is only running on it.

The idea of having the perfect body is most likely the desire of the majority, but it really is only a minority of that majority that do actually set their minds to acheiving that which they desire. And this is because they miss it from the first point; the mind should be taken care of as well.

You clearly are keen on your well-being, as this post well illustrates that. You know your food well, and I commend your approach to feeding well. And as for exercise, you don't always have to need to get to a gym to achieve your body goal: you could make progress even at home with the right workout routine.

There's a whole lot of reality when it comes to achieving goals and attaining feats. Life gets in the way sometimes. This is why being optimistic and disciplined is necessary to navigate all of life's issues so one can truly be whoever it is they want to be.

You say you are in a foreign land. How do you even deal with interating with people different from you everyday? I am only curious.

Greetings, Jane.

 2 years ago  

Been here for 5 years so am used to it since I am working here..haha.
Thanks for the kind response...
It's hard to maintain sometimes to be mentally fit when too exhausted with everything..but one thing is certain, I can easily get back to track..


 2 years ago  

Oh yeah, 5 years... You would have gotten around everything.

How are you doing today?