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RE: How I started writing - my first writing!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

As much as many would want to say, "I was born with this," we cannot dispute the fact that everything has to be developed for it to actually be termed "good."

I never really did any writing. I only started a few years ago too. And the few times that I did it when I started, I felt something different. I felt like a different person; the person I should be. I felt free when I wrote (I still do), and it was always much easier to assess my thoughts when I wrote.

I truly see myself when I write. It helps me reflect.

This first piece of yours is beautiful. It isn't so because you used fantastic word play, but because there's an actual personality behind it.

Kudos to you for making your first post. Many do not graduate from their intro post.

I must also commend your article format. It's neat and appealing to consume. Well done.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, In different ways writing has helped.
I am really glad you could relate with it.

Thanks for the compliment. It means a lot to me. And thanks for the opportunity.